13 | Happy Birthday, Mom

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A/N: Hello! This is a reminder that this book has topics of alcohol, as well as grieving for a passed loved one. If these topics trigger you, please don't read this chapter.




Today was a Sunday, so I luckily didn't have any school. My dad had work, but he managed to get off several hours early so we could have dinner together tonight. I was dressed in my prettiest black dress, my hair styled in its usual fashion with a green ribbon tied in, my mom's favorite color.

"You look very pretty, [Y/n]," Ellie complimented me and smiled sweetly. I smiled back at her.

"Thanks, Ellie," I responded with a forced smile.

Today was my mom's birthday. If she was still around, we'd be celebrating together. She grew up in Paris, before we moved to a small town in southern France and met my dad. We took a trip once a year to Paris to celebrate her birthday, and the three of us would be eating at her favorite childhood restaurant together today.

My dad's been drinking Chamomile tea like an addict the past few days. He went through a box of tea leaves in two days, using it as a substitute for alcohol. It made me happy he was putting forth such an effort to stay changed in the way he was.

Hearing my phone ring, I picked it up to see it was the said man calling. I placed my mug down on the kitchen island, I swiped my finger across the screen, and answered the video call.

"Glad to see you're awake and not just lying in bed," my dad said very bluntly the second I answered, making me smile a bit. He smiled back, some [h/c] stubble on his chin. "Where'd you get that ribbon?"

"Marinette gave it to me. She said it'd suit me," I explained, feeling the ribbon slightly move as Ellie touched the frilly fabric. She wasn't picked up on camera, so there was no problem with her being in the frame. "Why'd you call?"

"Just to see how you were doing. Are you going out?" I nodded at his question, rising from my seat at the island. Ellie followed me as I walked over to where I had a bouquet of white lilies waiting. "I'll be home in a couple hours. Sorry I couldn't be home the whole day, there was a problem with someone at a separate office and they needed me to come in. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, I promise," I reassured him for the 500th time this week. Ever since the night when I had returned from the convenience store, he kept checking in on me to make sure I was okay. Not hearing a response after a few seconds, I furrowed my eyebrows to see him just staring at me. "What is it?"

"Nothing. It's just that you have your mother's eyes," he reminded me. I inherited my [h/c] hair from him, while I got my [e/c] eyes from my mom. When my dad and I were arguing a lot, I considered dying my hair a different color so I wouldn't look like him. "Be safe and don't forget to lock the door. I love you."

"I won't. Love you too." With that, I hung up and put my phone in my bag that was laying by the counter. I put my mug in the sink, making a mental note to clean it later. Slinging the straps over my shoulders, I grabbed the bouquet and put on my shoes. I then looked at Ellie. "Ready to go?"

She nodded, going to hide in the pocket of my dress. I left the house with my belongings and locked the door behind me, making sure nobody would be able to get in. Then I turned around, and began making my way down the sidewalk while hugging my flowers close to me.

It was a sunny day outside with a few clouds here and there, though it was still a bit chilly. There were quite a few people out on the street, milling about with their families and enjoying the nice day outside.

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