| Chapter Six | :: Another Grimes Shot

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No One's POV

Rick ran like he never has before, carrying his limp and blood covered daughter in his arms. Ignoring his sore limbs, fighting to get his daughter help while his son sprinted alongside him.

Shane was dragging the man, named Otis, as Otis gave directions where to go for help with Octavia.

"Move, shithead!" Shane shouts, tugging Otis along.

"How far?! How far?!" Rick shouts.

"That way! Ask for Hershel! Tell him Otis sent you!" Otis shouts.

Octavia groaned and couldn't get the words out. She wanted Otis to know she understood it was an accident. He didn't see them behind the large deer. But she couldn't even talk.

"Dad, is Octavia gonna ok?" Carl asks.

"O's gonna fine, Carl! Stay close!" Rick frantically shouts as he keeps running.

"D-daddy?" Octavia manages to gasp.

"Stay with me, O! Please, stay with me." Rick says.

Octavia's eyes shut and Rick knew it was only a matter of time before he lost her for good. He ran faster with Carl following just as fast until he sees the White House with a family outside.

"Was she bit?" The man shouts.

"Shot. By your man." Rick gasps out.

"Otis?!" A voice asks.

"He said to find Hershel, is that you?" Rick desperately asks.

Hershel nods.

"Help me." Rick begs.

"Get her inside." Hershel says, leading the way.

"Please, it's my baby girl!" Rick cries.

"Patricia, I need my full kit. Maggie!" The man orders.

"Yeah?" Maggie asks.

"Painkillers. Grab everything. Clean Towel, sheets, alcohol.. in here." Hershel says, before clearing the bed.

Rick then lays Octavia on the bed, blood everywhere. Carl stood by Rick, crying softly.

Hershel took Octavia's jacket off before ripping her shirt just enough to get to the wound. He then guided a shocked Rick to get a pillowcase and apply pressure on Octavia's wound. Hershel then listens to find Octavia's heartbeat.

"I've got a heartbeat." Hershel says.

Rick gasps in relief. Carl relaxes, too.

"It's faint. Maggie, IV." Hershel says.

"We need some space." Maggie says, trying to get Rick to back up a little.

"Dad." Carl says, bringing Rick out of a trance.

He moves out of the way and holds onto Carl while the family helps Octavia.

"Your name." Hershel says.

"Rick." Rick answers.

"Rick? Rick. We're gonna do everything we can, ok? I just need you to give us some room." Hershel says.

Rick then nods and leads Carl out of the room. He spots Shane running toward the house and leads Carl outside. He slowly walks out to the porch with Carl.

"She's alive? She's still alive?" Otis asks.

Rick took his hat off then wiped his forehead, only to smear Octavia's blood on his forehead and face. Carl sobbed, staring at the floor.

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