| Chapter Sixteen | Aftermath

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No One's POV

Ringing. That's all Rick and Daryl could hear. That and the faint sounds of a newborns cry and voices in front of him.

"Daryl.. Daryl!" Carol calls.

Daryl comes to and hears Carol and his surroundings. He lets Carol help him to his feet.

"We're trying to get to Rick. He's more out of it." Carol says.

Daryl knew Octavia would want him to at least keep going. Protect her family. She's trusting him with that. He wipes his face then goes and kneels down to Rick.

"Rick... Rick, you with me? Rick!" Daryl says, as he waves his hand in front of Rick's face.

He gets up as Maggie hands the baby over to Carl, who takes his newborn sister.

"Let me see the baby." Hershel says.

Carl takes the baby to Hershel. He looks her over.

"What are we gonna feed it? Do we have anything a baby can eat?" Daryl asks.

"The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula. And soon or she won't survive." Hershel says.

Daryl couldn't let that happen. He knew what he needed to do. As broken as he was, he needed to be strong for Octavia's family.

"Nope. No way. Not her. We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going on a run." Daryl says.

"I'll back you up." Maggie says.

"I'll go, too." Glenn says.

"Ok, think where we're going. Beth." Daryl says.

Beth follows Daryl a little bit away from the small group,

"Kid just lost his mom and sister in one day. His dads not doing so hot." Daryl says.

"I'll look after him." Beth says.

Daryl nods then turns to them.

"You two get the fence. Too many pile up, we got ourselves a problem. Glenn, Maggie, vàmanos." Daryl says.

All a sudden, Rick grabs his axe and takes off into the cell blocks.

"Rick!" Maggie exclaims.

Maggie and Glenn watched Rick go into the cell block Lori never came back from.

"Get the gate. Come on, we're gonna lose the light." Daryl says.

Daryl, Maggie, and Glenn start making their way to the gate.

"There's a piggly wiggly on 85." Glenn says.

"No, the baby sections been cleared. Lori asked me to keep an eye out. I haven't had much luck." Maggie says.

"Is there any place that hasn't been completely looted?" Daryl asks.

"We saw signs for a shopping center just north of here." Glenn says.

"Yeah but there's too much debris on the road. A car will never get through there." Maggie says.

"I can take one of you." Daryl says, putting his vest on.

"I'll go." Maggie says.

"No, Maggie. After everything you two have been through, you both need to rest. I'll go." Glenn says.

"I need to. For Lori. And for Octavia." Maggie says.

Glenn kisses her, making Daryl instantly look away. Tears coming to his eyes at the thought of never kissing Octavia again.

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