| Chapter Eight | :: A Fight

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I'm so sorry if this chapter sucks. Please give me any feedback you guys want.

No One's POV

After Rick finished it, Carol took off in sobs, to the RV. Everyone went their separate ways to self mourn Sophia. Carl was with Lori. Octavia was with Daryl. 

A few hours had passed, everyone began to slowly come together. But still stayed in silence.

Daryl and Octavia have been showing that they were together without showing it. Just some small PDA that can make anyone realize they were a couple.

Lori isn't too happy, much to Shane's liking. Everyone else seems pretty happy and ok with it.

Daryl helped Octavia stand and guided her to their tent, his arm around her and hand on her waist. She leaned into him and wrapped an arm around his torso, gripping his shirt.

Lori watched the two with angry eyes. Shane looked on in disgust. Rick looked on with happy eyes. Carl held a smile as he watched his sister and Daryl together.


Lori sat with Rick while Carl went over to Octavia and Daryl. Daryl held Octavia from behind, while Carl talked with them. She had the same glare on her face as she did earlier as she watched Daryl with her children.

"What's going on with you?" Rick asks.

"Octavia and Daryl have been getting a little too touchy lately. I don't like it." Lori says.

"Touchy? They've been hugging and holding hands." Rick says.

"They've also kissed each other, Rick!" Lori says.

Rick gives a tired sigh.

"I'm gonna tell him to keep his hands off our daughter." Lori says, standing.

"That's exactly what you're not going to do." Rick says, instantly getting to his feet.

"And why not?" Lori demands.

"Because there's no reason to. Why make it such a big deal?" Rick asks.

"My 22 year old daughter will not date a man in his 50s!" Lori says.

"He's actually in his late 30s, early 40s. And I think you need to leave them be." Rick says.

"You're seriously ok with this?!" Lori asks.

"Yes. I am ok with this. Because for one, Octavia is 22 years old. She is an adult and a very smart young woman. And I know Daryl would lay his life down for our daughter if the situation called for it. And to be quite honest, I don't recall the last time Octavia smiled before Daryl and after Lincoln." Rick says, defending Octavia and Daryl.

Lori was shocked and angry. She softened a little remembering Octavia's behavior after Lincoln.

"Daryl is mending our daughters broken, shattered, and defensive heart. He's making her smile and laugh again. He's good with Carl. They bring out the best of each other. She makes Daryl smile and laugh and he's been more comfortable with everyone because of our daughter. Daryl is the best thing for Octavia and she's the best thing for him. Is the age gap concerning? Maybe a little bit. Is it really that important nowadays? Not in my book. All that matters to me is that Daryl makes my daughter happy and I know for a fact that he will protect her before anyone, even himself. I know if anything were to happen to me or you, he'd protect our children." Rick says.

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