The Firebending Masters

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Sokka blocks a hard slash, ducks beneath another, jumps over a slice at his feet and attempts a strike, you parry it, sucker punch him in the stomach and swing downwards, he counters hard and sweeps your legs before putting the sword at your throat. "Good." You say, pushing the blade away. "I think I've taught you all I can."

"Does that mean I'm better than you?" He asks excitedly.

"No." you reply, "It means that you have the tools necessary to be." Sokka thinks for a moment before nodding. You walk back into the building and find Toph and Katara talking as the latter is cooking dinner. "What're you making?" You ask, sitting next Toph.

"Brown rice."

"Nothing else?" You ask. She shakes her head and you hand her your seasoning supplies. "Use these. Keep a keen eye on how much you add, too."

"I'm trying to conserve food."

"That's no reason to make it bland. Trust me, it'll be better this way. Use a dash of soy sauce, garlic and basil." She sighs and nods. "Toph, how are your feet feeling?"

"Better, but not good."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." She sighs, leaning against you. "How was training?"

"Good. Sokka is really getting a grip of it. He's impressive. I've taught him what I can teach. Good old fashioned dirty tricks and defense strategy."

"Well as long as he can defend himself." Katara says.

"Trust me Kay, he will be just as formidable as I am." Then you pause, "Although I haven't taught him how to fist fight, so he's screwed if he loses his sword."

"Great." Katara says, "And what can't you teach him?"

"Baiting, trash talk, basic form. Uh, self defense philosophy is something too. Those are his to learn."

Eventually, dinner comes and Zuko sulks outside. You take a bite and it's surprisingly good. You give Katara a thumbs-up and she bows in thanks. "Wow Katara, you've outdone yourself." Sokka says.

"Well, I did get a hand."

She offers you your seasoning bag, you hold up your hand. "Keep it. I've got spares. You need those more than me." She sighs and sets it at her side. Then Zuko comes in.

"Guys, I have bad news. My stuff is missing."

You immediately turn towards your girlfriend. She gets offended, "Hey, don't look at me! I didn't touch his stuff!"

"I'm talking about my firebending." Zuko says, "It's gone."

Katara bursts out in a fit of laughter as Zuko gives her an annoyed look. "I'm sorry, I'm just laughing at the irony," she explains, "You know, how it would've been nice for us if you'd lost your firebending a long time ago?"

"Well it's not lost, it's just weaker for some reason."

"Maybe you're just not as good as you think you are." Katara says.

"Katara, please." You warn. She sighs and continues eating. "Why would your bending be weaker?"

Zuko pauses to think, "I bet it's because I changed sides."

"That's ridiculous." Katara grunts.

"I don't know." Aang says, "Maybe it isn't. Maybe your firebending comes from rage, and you just don't have enough anger to fuel it like you used to."

"So all we need to do is make Zuko angry, right?" Sokka asks, "Easy enough!"

"Sokka, I'm not sure that's a good-"

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