Chapter 3

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Luz sighed "willow Ill be at my locker if you need me, or maybe just meet me at class?". Willow looked at luz in confusion "Are you sure? I mean we still have 20 munites for lunch..". Luz glanced at her friend and shrugged "I know i just have this stupid headache that i guess came because of the noise here" Luz shut her eyes tightly as she felt her headache getting worse."Whoa Luz are you ok?" Gus said concern laced on his voice.

"What? yeah yeah im fine..... I just uhhhh- going to have some fresh air"
Luz stood up and ran from the table before willow and gus can speak. "What the heck," She said. She was now at the empty hallway which is full of lockers on every side. Eventually her headache stopped and became normal again. She taught that its because of noise at the cafeteria. So she decided not to go back in there and just head to her locker. Which she did.

She opened her locker and grabbed some papers and pens for the next class. After grabbing it she shoved them into her backpack and was found confused. The paper she grabbed was sticking in her hand and was not letting go. Luz taught she was hallucinating, so she blinked a few times, squinted her eyes towards the paper. She was not. So she raised her hand and began shaking it softly, it didnt fall. So she decided to take her other hand and grab the paper from her other. She tried grabbing it but turns out it was stuck to her hand.

Since it didnt let go she began to panic. It was actually her homework that she worked on for a couple of days straight. She didnt want to rip it.


She began to shaking it again but this time she shook it harshly."Pls nonononono, I worked hard on this pls dont rip." Luz whispered under her breath as she continued panicking. She ran around the place and before she knew it she was standing on a wall with a horrified look on her face. "WAIT WHA- why am i standing like this!? is this a dream!? am i a witch now!? DID I DIE!?"

She paused when she heard willows voice."Luz! Are you in here?" Willow said looking for luz in the hallway. Luz got distracted and fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"Ughhhh- Mi, mi eso duele.." Luz said while rubbing her head. Willow found luz lying in the floor and began running towards her. "Luz are you-..... why are you on the floor?"

Luz noticed that she was lying on the floor but quickly got up hiding her homework away from willow's gaze. "Uhhh no reason...." She smiled awkwardly but shaking her hand behind her without willow noticing. "Luz are you ok? you just ran out to nowhere, what happened?" Willow asked, the concern clear on her voice.

Luz was nervously panicking at her own movement. Whatever she do the paper just wont let go. Luz was turning her own gaze everywhere for an idea to get out the situation, surprisingly she found one.

"OH would you look at that its time to go!" Luz said awkwardly. Willow raised an eyebrow at her sentence "But its only after lunch-". "oh sorry willow it looks like eda is calling me right now so i better get going-" Luz pointed her thumb behind her stupidly but still covering her other hand. " But Luz, You said that you left your phone-" Willow was interrupted by Luz.

"SorryIcanttalkrightnowgottagotoedabyyyyeeee!" Luz then ran outside the school and towards the owl house.

Eda was sitting at the couch smirking while looking at king pick a card to battle with. Eda jumped when the door slammed open. "Kid? Why are you here-" "Oh hey to you too eda but im busy right now im in my room if you need me bye!-"  Without stopping she ran across the living room and went to her room.

"oh nonononono pls no." she said standing in the middle of the room. After a few seconds the paper flew from her hands and landed on the floor. Luz was confused. "What?" Out of her curiousity, she flipped the paper and saw- "Webs?". "Wait what?"  she whispered to herself.

Suddenly theres a knock on the door startling luz. "Kid, Its me are you ok?" Eda said concern in her voice. "Um-uh- ye-yeah... im fine" Luz responded. "Kid tell me the truth, only half of the day passed and your already here." Eda asked completely worried. "Is something wrong?". "What? no. i just uhh- had some headache, and thought that i could come here to rest?" Luz responded. Eda sighed in relief from the otherside and talked again "Ok kiddo, if you say so. And remember, if you have trouble going on ill be here ok? just call me." Luz nodded to herself and replied "Yes Eda...". Eda nodded and said "Luz ill be at stand with king, ill be back at six try not to burn the house ok?" Eda said jokingly while walking downstairs.

The footsteps were followed by a door shutting close which is probably the front door. Luz let out a sigh. "whats happening to me? is it the spider?" Luz asked herself, eventually a bulb-sized bee came from her open window. As soon as she saw it she screamed and waved her hand in the air harshly in order to wave the bee out. She tightly shut her eyes and continued waving. After a few moments luz didnt hear the buzzing from the bee anymore. So she slowly opened an eye and was filled with shock by the time she saw her room filled with many webs and looked like a spider cocoon. But at the bright side, the bee is gone.

I was bored so i drew this, this was the part when luz was on a wall

I was bored so i drew this, this was the part when luz was on a wall

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lol bye

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