Chapter 5

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"Ummmm.... Abaracadabra!"


Luz said while pointing her hands forward and towards the tree in oddly ways. Luz took a second to look at her hands, before pointing it towards the same tree again. "Please?"

Luz groaned with annoyance and sat on the grass while giving it a soft thud. She rested her head in both of her palms and kept thinking what to do next. She kept that position for at least a few munites, just figuring out how to shoot webs from her hands. Eventually, an idea came to her mind. She thaught about it and just agreed. "If i can't shoot webs while saying words...." Luz said while raising her own head and standing up straight from the ground "Maybe I can do it without saying anything?" she said now looking at her hands, she clenched it softly then unclenched it. "Welp, Its always worth to try..."

In this moment, she was now looking at the tree again and slowly moved her hand towards it. She clenched her fist, her palm was facing downwards while the back of her hands was facing upwards. She then moved her hands forward but nothing happened. She repeated her action but still got the same results. Since she knew it wont work, she changed her hand position. Her palm was now facing the opposite direction from before and so is the back of her hand. Her palm was now facing upwards while the back of her hand was facing downwards she did the same action again, but this time it didn't have the same result. Instead of having the same result, a string of webs was now sticking both at the tree and her hand. Unlike before, instead of confusion Luz found herself lit up with excitement. She didn't pull her hands away yet. A teethy smile came from her lips and she started jumping up and down slightly, screeching in excitement. When she finally calmed down, all she did was clenched her fist a little tighter then unclenched it again with normal speed. And before she knew it the web was falling from her hands before meeting the ground. She did the same action over and over again, and she always got the same string of webs. But in every round, she do it while backing away slightly from the tree and shooting a longer string of webs. She kept doing it again and again just shooting string of webs at trees.

After awhile, a thaught came to mind and she decided to try another motion and see what'll happen. She walked towards the tree to make her self closer to it, and to make it a lot easier. She took a second to think about what motion should she try. And finally she found one. She moved her hand forward and shot a web. But, instead of letting her hand stay in that position to make a string, as soon as a web came out from her hands she quickly unclenched it in order to cut it. After that, a pack (pls comment the right word for it if you know) of webs was now sticking on a tree.

"YES!!" Luz shouted, clearly proud of herself. She pumped her fist in the air, jumping slightly every second that passes. She gave herself a goofy grin while glancing at every corner of the now stuck webs at the tree.

"Now,-" She said while putting a finger gun under her chin and tapping it with her finger, while thinking."What else can spiders do...." She said looking anywhere for clues of what can spiders do other than shooting webs. She hummed thinking, and stayed like that for five seconds. She suddenly stopped as soon as she saw the wall, which is the back of the owl house. Thats it! 'Spiders can climbed to walls and stick to them'. She thaught to herself.

"Should I?.... No, no i shouldn't..... Buuuut- no, im not that stupid.... Wellll- i do have spider abilities...." She glanced at the wall again and began walking towards it. "I'll never know unless I'll try..." She said before placing her hands softly to the wall and closing her eyes to focus.


They walked their way from school to the Blight Manor to hangout in there. Once they got there, they climbed the long stairs until they made it to the front door. Amity, Boscha, and Skara were best friends since they're parents knew each other. Since Skara and Boscha often comes to Amity's house, cause they're parents brings them with them, they got to know each other and talked to each other. They often had fun on picking on someone and showing pride to anyone or everyone. But that doesn't stop them for caring for each other. They're all bitter and sweet at the same time. They still acts like besties like any other. But a little bit on high class. They talked to each other, comforts each other mess with each other. They even trusted one another to keep their deep secrets in private.
Once they were at the manor's front door. Amity opened and motioned for her friends to follow her. "Mother? Father? I'm home" Amity said, with a lovely, innocent, sweet tone.

"Amity? Dear? Are you home already?" A woman's voice echoed loudly enough to let Amity notice it. Well, Amity knew whose familiar voice was that. It was her mom. And it sounds like it came from their kitchen. So they went there and saw her well known parents. Alador and Odalia Blight. She greeted her parents and walked towards them and gave them a kiss on the cheek. "Sweetie, we weren't expecting you here this early. Is something wrong?" Alador said, a bit of concern laced on his voice. Amity quickly noticed it then reassured them "No,no dad im fine.We just decided that we can hangout here instead in the court." She said with a sweet tone in her voice. Both of her parents sighed in relief and smiled at their daughter. "Well then, Off you go dear. Go have fun with your friends." Odalia said. Amity nodded and waved at her parents while wearing a warm smile before going to her room with Boscha and Skara not so far behind.

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