Chapter 17: Painting the Town part 2

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Yamato, Blake, and Sun watch as the massive behemoth of a Skeletal monsters rise from the massive crater and begins to let out a bellowing roar before charging at the three.

Sun: "Aw crap it's charging us!"

Yamato: *turns* "Hang on!" *runs at  high speeds down the highway with the giant monster right on his tail, slowly gaining on Yamato while Blake is on her scroll contacting the others*

Blake: "Everyone, id you can hear me, we need help!"

Yang, Ruby, Weiss hear the message.

Yang: *on scroll with a stomping noise  in background* "Where are you guys?"

Blake: "We are the highway, with that thing on our tail!"

SkullGreymon gets in close and raises it's massive Bone Claw and slams down hard barely hitting Yamato, before stopping. The back of Skullgreymon begins to ignite as it fires a massive missile at them.


The missiles crashes down causing a massive explosion which the Yamato was trying his best to outrun before all three gets blasted away dropping their aura by a lot before hitting the ground hard all the while causing a massive crater in the highway from a 3 mile radius.

Blake: *wincing in pain* "Yamato,,,Sun you okay..."

Sun: *groaning in pain* "I'll live.."

Yamato  struggles to getup as Skullgreymon rushes at them  stomping down on Yamato, before back handing him to the side. Blake and Sun begin to open fire at the giant Skeletal beast as it lift up Yamato who was covered in bruises, cuts and blood. It begins to squeeze the life out of Yamato which causes him to scream.

Blake: *screams out* "YAMATO!"

Y/n: *offscreen* "NOVA FLAME!" A massive fireball hits Skullgreymon which forces it to let go of Yamato who reverts back to Faunus form. Which Blake runs over and catches the wolf faunus who was barely conscious as Y/n appears in his Greymon form (Minus left arm) charging at Skullgreymon with Yang on top of his head.

Blake: "Yamato...hang on we are going to get you some help.."

Yamato: *is in a lot of pain* "I-I'll live...but we need to help Y/n...and Yang.." *struggles to get up but groans in pain*

Sun: *carries Yamato over his shoulder* "Not in your condition man!" *looks over to Blake* "You help them out  I'll get him to safety!"

Blake: *nods* "Right!" *runs off to join the battle while Sun carries Yamato on his back to a ore safer location to get Yamato some medical attention*

Y/n and Yang unleashes a barrage of bullets and fireballs at Skullgreymon to draw it away from the others.

Weiss: "Blake! I'm in position!" *she uses ice dust and create a ice floor making the skeletal monster slip and fall over on the ground below Team RWBY's gathered. Neptune draws out his Rifle and open fire at Skullgreymon. Neither Party really doing any damage.

Ruby: "Freezerburn!"

Weiss and Yang work together to create an ice floor, which Yang punches it to create a mist cloud. Skullgreymon gets up and knock back everyone, and unleashes a steamof purple Gas from it's mouth. 

 Y/n gets back up jumps out him with Yang jumping on top his head. They turn their heads to see everyone else on the ground.

Y/n: "Everyone...!"

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