Chapter 19: Tales of a Wolf

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3rd P.o.V:

The opening ends to the view of a glum Ruby resting her head on her hand and staring into the distance before she's startled by Weiss slamming their pals on the table she's at.

Weiss: *smiling* "I need you to pick a table cloth." *Slides two squares over to Ruby, both seeming to be similar shades of White*

Ruby: *confused* "Aren't they both the same?" 

Weiss: *sighs in frustration* "I don't even know why I asked!*

Yamato: *walking past them with some cables on his shoulder* "The one on the right."

Weiss: "Thank you!"

Weiss walks out of the scene as Yang and Y/n comes in carrying massive sound speakers on their shoulder, which bounces their sister and the table she's moping on again to jump in the air. Y/n gently puts the speaker on the ground while Yang just drops it.

Y/n: "Careful Yang! I don't want the speakers to get damage!" *check the Speakers worried*

Yang: *brushing their hands* "Oh they're fine!" *approaches Ruby* "So, have you picked out a dress yet?"

Ruby: "What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?'

Yamato: *walking by again with a bunch of doilies* " Oh, don't worry; she's going."

Y/n: "What the-?! Yamato! I thought we agreed: No doilies!"

Yamato: *shrugs* "Weiss' Idea, not mine."

Weiss: *walks up to the others and points at Y/n's face* "If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!"

Y/n merely glares at Weiss as the sound of the door opens.

Neptune: *walking in with Sun* "Your dance is gonna have fog machines?"

Weiss: *stepping up to him, becoming sweet* "We were thinking about it..."

Neptune: "That's pretty cool."

Sun: *coming into the scene, acting suave to Weiss'ire* "You ladies all excited for dress up?"

Ruby: "Pfft... Yeah, right!"

Yang: "Laugh all you want." *pulls Y/n in* "Me and Y/n will be turning heads tomorrow night!"

Y/n: *confident* "Yeah we're going to steal the whole show!" *Goes back to work setting up the wiring for speakers*

Weiss: *addressing Sun and Neptune* "What are you two wearing?"

Sun: "Uuuuuhhh... this?" *Gesturing to his current shirtless outfit* 

Neptune: *stepping up and holds a hand in front of his friend's face* "Ignore him for he know not what he says."

Sun: *knocks Neptune's hand away* "Hey, I may moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt and tie kind of place."

Yang: "Mirroring Ruby's and Weiss' looks of being told something extremely obvious* "Yeah, we noticed."

Sun: *rubbing the back of his head, preparing to ask* "Soooo.. what does Blake think of all this? She still being all, y'know... Blake-y?"

Weiss: "Obviously." *Turns and crosses her arm in disapproval* 

Ruby: "I still can't think of a way to change her mind."

Yang: "Guys." *Everyone looks at her as she starts walking out but Yamato stops her* 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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