Chapter 5: Proper Introduction part 2

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As Weiss walks off and hurried to the exit past her teammates.

Jaune: *watching her leave* "Sheesh, what's with her?"

The remaining members of Team RWBY looks at each other with the same question. Y/n gets up from his seat and follows.

Weiss is still storming off, but Ruby turns a corner and manages to catch up with her.

Ruby: "Weiss!" 

Weiss: *turning around* "What?"

Ruby: "What's wrong with you? Why are you being-?" *Y/n catches up with them listens*

Weiss: "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You're supposed to be a leader, and all you been so far is a nuisance!" 

Y/n gets pissed by Weiss as Ruby scoffs.

Ruby: "What did I do?"

Weiss: "That's just it - you've done nothing to earn your position! Back in the forest, you acted like a child, and you've only continued to do so!"

Ruby: "Weiss, where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk about 'working together'? I thought you believed in acting as a team."

Weiss: "Not a team led by you. I've studied and trained. And quite frankly, I deserve bet-" 

Y/n finally snapped as he comes out of hiding and slams his fist into a nearby wall causing the entire wall to another room to break. Weiss and Ruby look at Y/n with shock as he walks up to Weiss pissed.


Weiss: "W-wha-"

Y/n: "ALL YOU DO IS BITCH! *throws a nearby bench off to a wall* "AND COMPLAIN AND CRY! I Swear to Oum!" *claps his hands together and takes a deep breath before  raising one of his fingers and continuing* "One of these days, One of these days, Ruby is going to fuck you up! *points at Ruby who's is covering her mouth shocked of Y/n profanity*  "Like she's going to 'Beat your ass'!" *sarcastic as he moves closer to Weiss* "But you are better than her, you're better than her. *puts his hands on Weiss' shoulders* "And you're smarter than a 15 year old congratulati- NOBODY GIVES A FUCK!" *scaring Weiss as he lets go* "She's out here trying! GETTING IT! TRY HER BEST TO BE A LEADER! IT'S ONLY THE FIRST DAY, AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR BULL SHIT! OOOO!" *He grabs Ruby and walk off angry* "I SHOULD HAVE LET THAT BOARBATUCK FOLD YOUR ASS!"

They walk off leaving a shocked Weiss behind.

Ruby: *doubtful tone* "Big brother!"

Y/n:*takes a deep breath to calm himself down* "Yeah Ruby..."

Ruby:  *looking doubtful, even on the verge of tears* "Is she right? Did Ozpin make a mistake?"

Y/n: "Of course not..Weiss is a snobby brat, she doesn't know shit of leading like you."

Ruby: "What do you mean?"

Y/n: "It's only been one day. Ruby...  You think Ozpin hasn't made many mistakes than any man, woman, or child on this planet. But right now at this moment, I wouldn't consider your appointment to leader to be one of them." *Y/n pats his little sister head as he looks up at the sky* "Weiss is the type of girl who spent an entire life getting exactly what she wanted. And that's why she was not chosen as leader, for her poor judgment skills." *He looks over to her little sister who look at him with awe* "Being a leader of a team isn't just some title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you're not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you?" *Ruby looks thoughtful with Y/n's words, then smiles at him as he smiles back hugging his little sister.* "Ruby, you've been burden with a daunting responsibility. So I suggest you take some time, to think about how you will uphold it."

Ruby with a last look of consideration, hugs her brother.

Ozpin: *offscreen* "That was well said Mr. Branwen." *Ruby lets go of Y/n as they looks over to Ozpin, who smiles and walks over to them* "I wouldn't have said that speech any better myself."

Y/N: "Ozpin? What are you doing here?"

Ozpin: "Well, I was looking for you actually. I have some good news for you."

Y/n: "Oh and wh-"

Y/n suddenly stops at Y/n hears a familiar sound of a harmonica playing loudly nearby.

Y/n: 'That song..' *Y/n closes his eyes and smirks as he enjoys the song* 

Ruby: *looks around confused* "Where is that coming from?"

Y/n taps Ruby's shoulder and points over somewhere. Ruby and Ozpin looks over to a white haired and blue tipped teenager sitting on the roof of the nearby building play a harmonica. Y/n smiles as he recognize the young male. The male continued to play his song thru the entire school listened to the teens music, most looked at the teenager with awe, relaxing and just listening to the music he plays before them. 

When the boy finishes his song, he looks over to Y/n and smiles a bit. He jumps down from the roof and lands down to the ground. He smiles as. Y/n walks to the boy as they gives handshake each other.

Y/n: "About time you showed up, Yamato."

(Yamato age 16 just imagine him with blue tipped hair and wolf ears.)

Yamato: "Heh so this is where you been hiding

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Yamato: "Heh so this is where you been hiding." *he then hits Y/n on the head* 

Y/n: *holds his head in pain* "Agh! What the hell MAN?!"


Y/n: "Sorry man! I just reacted! My sisters were in trouble!"

Yamato: *sighs* "Fine.. I will let this slide..." *looks over to Ozpin* "So you are Ozpin, Huh?"

Ozpin: "That is correct!"

Yamato: *looks at Ozpin unimpressed* "Hm....I expected you to be taller."

Ruby: "Um, Big brother? Do you know him?"

Y/n: *smiles* "Yup. Ruby I like you to meet my partner. Yamato Ishida. Yamato, this is my little sister Ruby Rose."

Yamato: *looks at Ruby and smiles nodding* "Hello so you are the Young Rose I heard so much about from Y/n. It is nice to finally meet you."

Ruby: *smiles* It's nice to meet you too. *bows her head* "Thank you for helping my big brother."

Yamato: "Heh, It was the least I can do, besides him and me have got each others back multiple times."

Y/n: "Heh hell yeah!" *they brofist each other and smile*

Ozpin: "Now both of reunited. I will ask the same offer I gave Mr. Branwen..."

Yamato: "Offer what offer?"

Y/n: "We have a lot to catch up."

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