Chapter 1: Y/n's Return

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(11 years later)

In a world far different from Remnant. Where everything are a form of data as well as the actual material it's made. As the camera soars above a nearby forest an massive explosion is shown.  Two cloaked figure is seen running at fast as they can.

???1:  "Where is this portal?!"

???2: "Keep move we are getting closer!!"  A load roar is heard behind them. Trees are heard falling over as the two cloaked fire keeps running." 

They soon see the giant bright light in between two pillars, they slow down and smile.

???2: "There it is! The portal back to Remnant!"

???1: "Heh..we can finally head home."

Suddenly the sound of rocket is heard from behind the two clocked figures. 

???2: "OH SHIT!!" 

???1: "QUICKLY INSIDE!!"  The two boys jump into the portal and as he missile slams down on where they were. And unleashes a deadly explosion behind destroying the pillars behind the two boys closing the portal. "That was too close..."

???2: "Well at least it's over.." *They get up* "Come on lets move!" 

Both figures float off thru the pathaway. Meanwhile from the shattered portal entrance. A dark figure walks over to the wreckage. 

Dark figure: "Looks like they got thur..."

A giant creature behind the figure stomps down.

Giant beast: *monsterous demonic voice* "No matter....those two haven't escape from us yet...."

Meanwhile in Remnant:

In the Emerald Forest, a blonde girl known as Yang Xiao Long (Now 17) is seen stepping out the clearing that reveals the circular stone temple with a black haired girl with a bow on her head named Blake Belladonna.

Yang: "You thinks this is the place?"

In response, Blake gives Yang an incredulous look and heads down the hill, her partner following, They walk across the floor and observe the gold and Black items on each pedestal, now shown to be Chess pieces.

Blake: *looking at a black king, confused* "Chess pieces?"

Yang: "Some of them are missing, Looks like we weren't the first ones here."

Blake: "Well, I guess we should pick one."

As they were choosing a chess piece a girl's scream could be heard in the forest. Yang turns towards the source.

Yang: "Some girl's in trouble. Blake,did you hear that?"

Blake doesn't answer, staring at something in the sky.

(At that moment)

The imfamous Weiss Schnee and the now 15 year old Ruby Rose hanging on a Nevermore as it soars above forest.

Weiss: *shouts* "Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea!"

Ruby: *also raising her voice* "We're fine! Stop worrying!''

Weiss: "I am so far beyond worrying!"

Ruby: "In a good way?"

Weiss: "In a bad way! In a very bad way!"

Ruby: "Well, why don't we just jump?"

Weiss: "What are you? Insane?!"

She is met with silence; Ruby has already disappeared.

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