Chapter One

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-Yoongi's Pov-

Typical morning. Coffee in hand and out the door. Working with law enforcement isn't the problem I have most days, I enjoy working as the respected police officer that I am, Its the people.

"Yoongi, wake up, we don't have time to sleep at your desk." or "Yoongi, why are you always slacking off?"

I take that back, I'm not even remotely respected by anyone in my department. I like to think it's because I am better than them, after all, I joined a few years ago and been the best out of all of them and they have been here longer than me but I'm not too sure now. A lot of these assholes enjoy watching other people suffer and that's not what I stand by and it's surely not why I wanted to be a police officer all my life. I don't want to walk over people because I am "The Law" I want to help but some people just want to watch the world burn.

"Yoongi, we have reports of grand theft auto on Warrant and Ave just a few blocks away from you, please check it out. The suspect is said to have silver or grey hair with a black mask on and a black leather jacket and jeans. Can not tell if the suspect is armed or not."

Great. Not even halfway done with my coffee and I already have someone trying to break into a car, this early in the morning all the while it's raining like crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if they were gone by the time I got there but I was actually surprised when the owner of the car had this guy pinned down to the street cursing out every name in the book at him, maybe some new ones I've never heard of. When I get out of my car and walk over, the owner of the car gets up and the guy bolts for it, knocking me right on my ass. I have to give him credit, he was fast but he lacked something. Intelligence. As soon as he was up, he slipped and face planted in the road, must have hit pretty hard too because he was hardly there when I cuffed him and asked for his name.

"What's your name, sir?"

"I didn't do it, I swear, that guy attacked me because he wanted to steal my car."

"Well, I didn't ask that I asked for your name."

"Fuck you."

Rude. I searched him and he did have a pocket knife on him and also a wallet, I opened it up. Park Jimin, Age, 25.

"Is this you, sir?"

"I don't know, is it?"

"I don't know, you tell me, this will be an extra charge if it isn't."

"Duh, you idiot, it's me."

I couldn't help but chuckle. I opened the door to my police car then basically threw him in before shutting the door. Talking to the owner of the car like normal and writing down a place he could call if there was any damage before I left. The ride there was quiet for the most part, This guy mumbling to himself and kicking the thin metal wall that's keeping him from me. I can't make out what he's saying but he's pissed and it's funny as hell. I keep driving but it isn't long before he puts his face close to the little metal window with bars and just stared at me. I didn't have a problem with it but I wondered if he was imagining strangling me to death. After getting back and hold his wrist and lead him to the back where they had holding cells. Yeah, I should have sat him down and got his info into the database but someone else was already one step ahead of me and that meant I could finish my now only warm coffee.

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