Chapter Eleven

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-Two years later.-

-Yoongi's Pov-

I'm sort of freaking out right now. I didn't tell Jungkook or anyone what Jimin said to me when I went to drop him off, I guess I sort of didn't want them to make a big deal out of it. I'm on my way to pick up Jimin and my heart is racing I drove early to get there on time and also to get Jin. I feel like I'm going to throw up butterflies. We haven't spoken in a while, our last video chat was a month ago and he seemed down but I couldn't tell what was wrong. I never really understood my feelings for Jimin while he was in the hospital, I thought it was just because I was worried for Jimin but I guess Jin was right, It was love...I Love Park Jimin. Damn it...I love him so god damn much. I often think about how he's doing and I can't help it. I worry...a lot and I sure as hell miss him. I miss his smile. His cute little nose...I miss everything about him. I'm thankful that I get to see him today. I can't wait. my heart is going to beat out of my chest. 

I pull up to the place and I see him, he was speaking to some of the staff before he looks at me. He nods before walking over to my car. He looks different. So much different. His hair for one is no longer that silver color from all those times ago, this must have been recent because now his hair was a dirty blond and styled in such a way that honestly makes my knees weak. A month ago he had somewhat long hair but now all of that was gone. I could also tell he had been working out quite a lot actually, his clothes I bought him before were slightly tighter now. I watch as he opens the door, he has a bag that he sets in the back before he gets in and closes the door then he looks at me then smiles before he hugs me.

"I've missed you, Yoongi"

"I've missed you too, Jimin"

I hug him back of course and I smile brightly. I've been waiting two years for this moment. I pull away then start the car back up and head off, Jin is coming by train and he agreed to stop in Busan so I could pick him up as well. I glanced over to Jimin who was looking out the window before he looked at me. He smiled.

"Has anything exciting happened while I was gone?"

I look back to the road and think. "I got promoted to Senior Inspector. They gave me a new and bigger office so I'm pretty happy about that. Anything exciting happen while you were away?"

"Yes, actually, Part of the program of my getting clean is that I had to find myself a job. I managed to find one quite quickly and paid decently. That's why I was able to buy new clothes and style my hair again"

"What do you plan on doing when you come back to Seoul?"

"Well...I'm not really sure. It's been two years so I don't think I have my apartment anymore. I'll have to start fresh"

"You could...come to stay with me. I don't mind. I have an extra room if you want"

I look over to Jimin and his eyes are wide "You would do that for me?"

"Of course, Why wouldn't I? You're my friend"

Jimin looks over to me for a few moments before looking down at his hands. "Yoongi...are we really friends?"

I think for a moment before looking back at Jimin before looking away. We arrive at the train station and wait for Jin. I think about Jimin's question for a few moments. "Did you...not want to be friends?"

"No no, it's not that it's just that...when you dropped me off two years ago at that place and I said...that I loved you...well, I wasn't lying. I love you, Yoongi. Not just as friends either."

He looks at me, I half expected him to be crying because that's the tone he gave off but instead he gave me a small smile. My heart started to race when he leaned forward and I could feel my body do it as well. We were so close to each other then a huge thud snapped us out of our moment I looked over and seen Jin had fallen into my car. He opened the back door before shoving two bags of his in the very back before sliding onto the middle and buckled in.

"Yoongi! long time no see! Who's your friend?"

I clear my throat before starting the car and driving away. "Uh, Jin, this is Jimin, and Jimin this is Jin. He's the one that I saved, I told you, remember?"

"Ohh yes I remember. Jimin I have a question for you. I need you to tell the truth, okay?"

"Uh, yes?"

"Okay good, Have you ever tried to eat a clock before?"

"I can't say I have, no"

"Well...I heard it's very... TIME-CONSUMING!!!"

I glance over to Jimin who was surprised for a moment before he smiled then turned to Jin.

"What do you call a sad cup of coffee?"

"I don't know, what?"


I blinked. If Jimin is like Jin then everyone is going to lose their shit.

"Hey, Yoongi, do you know any jokes?" Jimin asked and I thought about it

"Okay, What did the Couch say to the other couch on the other side of the room?"

"What did it say?"

"We are sofa apart"

I glanced at Jimin who seemed confused.

"What??? It was sofa king funny"

I smiled a bit when Jimin giggled but honestly was worried about when Jin started laughing like a mad man since I stole one of his jokes that he knew already. I could already tell this was going to be a long road trip back home.

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