Chapter Nineteen

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-Yoongi's Pov-

After my shower, Jimin helped me upstairs by pretty much carrying me. He was kind enough to dress me even though I could do it on my own then he tucked me in carefully and made sure to not try and hurt me. He said he would be up after he cleaned the living room but by then I was asleep but it must have been about 3 in the morning when I woke up in a cold sweat. I must have shaken the bed too much because I startled Jimin awake and I heard him whisper.

"Yoongi, are you okay?"

"I had a bad dream...I'm fine"

I looked over to where he was and he moved closer to me and put a hand on my chest to feel my heart before he pulled me over to him.

"Do you want some water?"


He kisses my cheek before getting off the bed. I see a light in the hallway from Jimin's phone. He was gone for a while but soon came back with ice water and handed it to me. I sipped it then watched as walked but trip over something before he cursed under his breath.

"Sorry Holly.."

"Did you just run over my dog"

"Yeah but he's fine"

He gets under the covers then looks at me

"Sorry for running over Holly"

"It's fine, Jimin. Not a big deal"

I set the water on the nightstand and sigh before covering back up then wrap my arms around Jimin and pull him close before kissing the top of his head

"Yoongi..would it be..uh..nevermind"

"What? What is it?"

"I was just thinking...and is it too"

"Marry..? No..I don't think so..why? do you plan on proposing or something?"

"No...would you be mad if I did?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because maybe you wanted to first?"



"Just ask"

"No. it isn't the right moment"



"Will you ma-"

I felt Jimin cover my mouth before putting his forehead to mine


"Then say it"

"Fine. Yoongi, will you marry me?"

"Nope, goodnight"

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