Chapter Fourteen

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-Jimin's Pov-

Its been a few months since I started liveing with Yoongi. He treats me like a king and I'm not sure if I like it or love it. Ive never really been in love with someone but it feels nice. Its kinda weird at the start because your still learning about the person but there isnt much else to know about Yoongi. I already know everything that there is to know and he knows everything about me well maybe expect for some little things. Yoongi doesn't hold back what he says, he just speaks his mind and so when he started telling me about his dreams..most of them...ALL of them it shocked me. I never knew he thought that way but its not like I don't like it. Its that I never have ever experianced it before so it makes me flustered most of the time. I tell Yoongi my dreams but not all of them. None of the bad ones. Nine times out of ten I have bad dreams and when he asks I say that I didn't dream that night. I don't know if thats wrong to do. When I got my phone, Hoseok put everyones numbers into it so I can talk to them. I talk to Jin a lot because hes...wise. I talk to him about my bad dreams and how I don't tell Yoongi. Jin says it isn't something to be hung up about but I can't help but feel like in some way I am lying to Yoongi and I don't want to but I don't want him to worry. I will tell him at some point but I don't think I'm ready to. I'm worried I talk in my sleep when I have my bad dreams because then it'll make me feel extra worse if I lie to him and he already knows about it. I never really use the room he gave me to sleep in because I always sleep in his room because I feel safe when he holds me I always feel safe when I'm around him. There isnt a dull moment when I don't feel safe around Yoongi.

"Jimin, I had a question if you don't mind me asking"

"Of course, what did you need?"

"I wanted to know wanted to work with me? I know you work with Taehyung in the cafe but I thought that maybe you might want to? You always say that our schedules don't match up so we only see eatch other at night. This way. You can see me dureing the day too"

"Am I even cut out to do something like that? Be a police officer?"

"I asked my boss. He said we have a few placed available to apply for. Detective work, what I do, or someone who sits at the front desks and helps anyone who comes in. You don't have to say it right now, but I want you to think about it, please"

"I want to do with  you do though"

"You'll have to do a few month's worths of training and schooling. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, of course. I don't mind. It's better than wiping tables all day"

I smiled and watched Yoongi smile before walks over to me and held me close. I felt like a fairy princess when he held me in his arms. A weird thing to say but it's true. He kissed me and I felt like I was floating. I hope that feeling never goes away. His lips are soft and thin yet firm and I love every kiss he gives me especially when he teases me by biting my lip. The little things are a crazy turn on and I think he knows it. I watch him smile at me before going into the kitchen but I follow. I watch him quietly load dishes into the dishwasher before starting it, he looks at me and smiles again.

"Did you need something?"

"Yes, I had a question"

"Alright, what is it?"

I watch him for a moment before thinking, I'm not really sure what to say because I don't know how to tell him without sounding weird or super blunt about it.

"I wanted to know if you knew what kind of state you leave me when that"

"Do what?"

"Bite my lip.."

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