Chapter Four

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-Jimin's Pov-

My side hurts. I remember trying to run out of the cell but everything went black after that. I woke up to someone opening the cell, I couldn't tell who it was at first but it wasn't Jungkook or that other police officer but he said I was free to go and that my fee had been paid. I don't know anyone who would have paid it but I guess I should start being grateful after the guy who I tried to rob didn't think taking me to court was necessary. The one time I try to do something that might get me somewhere, fails, I had a plan and everything but I didn't play it out as I should have. It pisses me off. I look at the officer and then frown and walk out, he walks me out, and on my way out I see that police officer from before, he seems mad at something but it's not like I could go and ask him. I didn't care much either. Once I was outside I started walking home, I don't have a big house or anything, I actually live in an apartment and around not the best people, I just thought that...maybe if I stole a car that had enough gas, it would get me somewhere away from this place. I enjoy Seoul, it's very pretty but I have far too much pain and suffering here, from my childhood, to now. I often find myself doing not so healthy things and these not so healthy things are easy to come by where I live. I've been trying to quit for as long as I remember but I always find myself shoveling the shit up my nose like my life depends on it and it's rough but it's not like I have anyone to help me, I've always been alone and I never trust anyone because the last time I trusted someone, they tried to kill me. I'll never forget it. I walk in my front door and glance down at my dog, he isn't the best dog but he's all I have that I would even remotely consider a friend. I feed him a scoop of dog food before heading past the stairs to the living room where I kick my shoes off and sit on my couch. I turn on my TV simply for the noise before I close my eyes and drift to sleep. When I wake up, my TV is gone and so is half of the junk I owned. I don't bother calling the police because I can't risk them finding my stash of drugs or I am really screwed. I have a job but not a good one, thankfully today is my day off as well or maybe I might quit. I can't decide. I don't like going into the city because people are better off than me. I'm sure they couldn't live a day in my shoes without wanting to least rich people or people who don't have to worry about money problems. I hug myself and frown before glancing at the floor before glancing away, but I keep looking to the floor. Maybe...if I take all of it at once..maybe just maybe I won't feel tired anymore or sad or anything. I  get down on my knees and lift up a tile from my floor and there it sits a nice decent bag, only a fool would mistake it for flower but that's what I do, I just imagine I'm baking a nice...cake.

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