Chapter Seven

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-Jungkook's Pov-

I decided to head out for a bit, it's still morning but since its both mine and Yoongi's day off I decided to hang out with Taehyung, He worked at a cafe and he would sneak me drinks for free despite it being against the rules that he clearly broke often but somehow he never gets caught so he keeps doing it but he will at one point, I'm sure. We simply walk down the streets of Seoul and talk. This feels nice. We haven't spoken in such a long time not after Jin left because Jin was mainly the only reason we did anything, now most of us are too busy to have a social life and always working but somehow we managed to pull Hoseok and Namjoon from their busy lives to hang out a bit. I explained why Yoongi wasn't with us and they were disappointed for sure but I told them Yoongi saved his life and Yoongi wanted to make sure he was going to be alright. I haven't gotten any calls from Yoongi of him crying and asking to pick him up so I think things are doing well. Hoseok has been talking about his work for the past ten minutes and honestly, it's interesting. He works for Rolex and I managed to get my hands on one just around Christmas time a few months ago and I plan on giving it to Yoongi for his birthday in a few months. Yeah, put a big deep hole in my wallet for about a month but I managed, I think he'll like it. He's not one to really jump with joy at gifts that cost as much as his life put together but he is very grateful and most likely with repaying you back somehow in the same price range because he says "It's only fair". That's why I like him. He's always fair.

"So, Jungkook, catch any...bad guys?" Namjoon asked, most likely trying to get on another topic other than Rolex.

"Recently, No  Just a lot of paperwork, you know the fun stuff."

"Fun?" Hoseok asked, confused. "That doesn't sound like fun."

"Yeah, I mostly do my work in Yoongi's office and if I annoy him enough he'll give in from being grumpy and actually talk to me while I work. I don't sit at a desk for hours and just work."

"But...Yoongi does?" Namjoon asked and I nod.

"Do you get to listen to music?"  Hoseok asked and I nodded again.

"Listen to music, drink (Non-alcoholic) and eat pretty much anything you want, just last night I was eating chips in Yoongi's office"

"I'm surprised he lets you into his office, He always says he likes to be alone," Taehyung said. I actually forgot he was still here.

"Let's just say he can't live without me~ I'm the best of course"

I say that and they all groan and act as if they haven't heard me say that before. I smile before I feel my phone buzz. I look down and Yoongi texted me to come there but then I waited because he was still typing but he never sent what he was going to say.

"Hey..uh I have to go meet Yoongi at the hospital again"

"Is he okay? or is it about the other person?" Namjoon asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, the other person. Most likely. You can join if you want."

I look up at them and Namjoon seems unsure and would rather not and I can understand that and so does Hoseok but Taehyung agrees to join me. I nod and when they said I could find them at a sushi place nearby I wave goodbye before walking to the hospital with Taehyung quietly. After getting a visitor's pass for Taehyung and me, I walked to the room quietly and see Yoongi talking to Jimin though he looks only about half there, none less, he was awake and mumbling loud enough that Yoongi could hear. I walked over to Yoongi and smiled when Jimin looked at me and I gave him a little wave and he moved up a bit as if he was trying to wave back or maybe flip me off but Id rather think he was trying to wave. I saw Taehyung sit on the other side of the bed and look at Jimin before looking at me and Yoongi.

"What happened?"

Yoongi took a moment to think before looking at Taehyung.

"He almost died, from a cocaine overdose."

I looked at Jimin then Taehyung whose eyes went wide with disbelief. I decided to leave and go to the gift shop and buy something for Jimin, I am not really sure what he likes but Id like to think since he has a dog, that he likes dogs. I bought him a small stuffed one of a Huskey with two different eye colors. I liked it. After paying for it I walked back to the room and Jimin was sitting up now, a doctor was there but the doctor wanted to see if he would try and eat or drink anything. It broke my heart to see him struggle to hold anything heavier than a feather and I could see Yoongi struggle to hold in his tears, it must have gotten worse because he got up and left the room. I looked at Jimin before grabbing the cup and helped him drink, I could see the pain on his face that he had to be helped like this but I couldn't see him drinking on his own, not this soon.

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