Chapter Five

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-Yoongi's Pov-

I work late tonight and Jungkook thought it would be fun to hang out with me so here I am, doing paperwork while Jungkook sits on the floor, eating chips and watching only god knows what, on his phone. I manage but it's hard to stay focused when Jungkook keeps giggling behind me like a crazy person. I turn and look at him and he has chips shoved in his mouth while trying to drink water.

"You are going to choke."

I watch him look at me and he manages to chew and swallow everything.

"Well, I'm alive aren't I?"


I turn back to my computer and I feel Jungkook kick my ankle and I look over to him giggling, I was about to kick his side but I was stopped when someone walked into my office. Saying there was a break-in. Interesting, I normally deal with the hands-on stuff and Jungkook handles that sort of thing but I guess I get it easy. I get up and shut off my computer and Jungkook is already out the door. I guess he's coming too. I get outside and the air is cold and the wind punches me in the face right away. great. I manage to get to my car where Jungkook was happily snacking away still. I shut the door and buckled in quietly before heading off, It would take a while to get there since it was on the other side of town so I rolled down the window ever so slightly and I saw Jungkook shiver.

"Oh come on, you big baby, it's not that bad, You manage to get lucky and get stuck inside every time it snows so I don't want no complaining."

"That's not fair, I  want to be able to go out there but I never get to, I'm always told to stay inside"

"Because your little hands will freeze too quickly"

"Do you really want to fight me, Min Yoongi because we will fight"

"Sure Sure, your all bark but no bite."

I look at him and Jungkook frowns before he flips me off and I smile.

"Big and bad Jungkook, everyone watch out."

"You know, you are a real butt some times"

"Well get used to it, it's here to stay"

I feel him punch my arm and  I can't help but smile again. I humm to myself before turning into this parking lot. It's not the best place to be around but it surely isn't the worse I've seen. Jungkookg and be get out and I look down at my notepad before I hear a woman that startles me. I grab my flashlight because it's dark as all hell and I look at her. She was freaking out and saying her neighbor got robbed and she saw the whole thing. She grabbed my arm and dragged me there and Jungkook was walking next to me. Once we get there, I hear a growl that bark from the window and watched as this yappy dog freak out. I knock on the door then glance at the lady.

"What's this person's name?"

"I don't know, Park? That's all I've heard him say"

I nod.

"Mister Park? Are you there? This is SSPD, We came to see if you are okay, we were called because someone said your home was robbed"

I wait for a response but I don't hear anything, I glance at Jungkook before knocking again then trying the door, it opens but the dog jumps down and manages to run out, not biting but barking none stop at both me and Jungkook. I open the door quietly and take out my flashlight and look around, it doesn't take long before I see a face in the dark staring at me. I shine my flashlight over to it and right away realize who it was  I rush over before Jungkook even has the time to say anything. I try turning on the light but it won't work. I look at Jungkook.

"Call 1339, quick, I think he overdosed"

I look at Jungkook who looks at Jimin before pulling out his phone quickly and I was quick to move Jimin onto his side, His skin was icy cold so I tried to warm him up the best I could, the only thing around was a few blankets. He was hardly breathing but he knew I was here, I could see it, I could see him looking at me. his skin was a slightly grey color and his lips were blue as if he was freezing to death, his eyes opened and closed every now and again before they stayed closed and he stopped breathing. I shook him to try and get him to look at me but it wouldn't work. I frowned and took the blankets off of him and started doing CPR at least until help arrived. About the time they arrived I manage to get Jimin breathing again, thankfully. I helped the paramedics the best I could with what info I had and Jungkook decided to stay and clean up the place and report all of this while I rode in the ambulance. Watching these paramedics work fast was something I could never do, I am not great at fast tasks and often struggle with them. It doesn't take long to get to the hospital and I'm stuck filling out paperwork while only god knows what's happening to Jimin. I guess I am worried about his safety, Yeah he was quite rude the other day but I just have a strong feeling when I'm around him like I should keep him close. The same feeling I often had around Jungkook for a long time when we first met, I still have those feelings but it's hard to really explain it. My friend Jin would always say it was love but it doesn't feel like love to me. I just feel like I have to protect the people I care about for fear something will happen to them and I'll lose them forever. After filling out what felt like a lifetime supply of papers, I walked to Jimin's room I don't know what I was expecting honestly, IV's in his arms and barely hanging onto his life. I sit next to his bed silently and look down at my hands and I'm not really sure what to do. I still have work to do but I wanted to stay. My shift ended in a few hours, I'm sure no one would mind if I stayed, right? I couldn't leave Jimin alone, it would kill me if I did.

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