Chapter Two

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-Jimin's Pov-

I didn't plan on getting arrested today but I guess you can't expect to get away with stealing a car if the owner is home and pins you down to the ground yelling at you at the top of his lungs in the middle of the street. The police officer that took me away was only a bit taller than me and his hair was a dirty blond but it didn't look like his natural hair color to me but it looked nice on him nonetheless. I managed to really fuck my face up, I was lucky to be wearing a mask but I can feel the stinging where I scaped my face off the road, not one of my brightest moments for sure but hopefully it doesn't scar. Now I'm sitting in a cell completely drenched from the rain and my face hurts, I am not really sure if my day could get any worse but I don't want to Jinx it.

"Park Jimin, I'd like to have a word with you."

The voice didn't seem like the police officer before. I look up and see a tall man with black hair. His eyes were stern and scary a dark brown that was almost black, he unlocks the cell and takes me to a room for questioning, I can tell because of the one-way mirror and the small room with a table and two chairs, looked just like out of some cheezy cop show on TV. He sits down and flips through a few papers and has a little tiny thin box on the table next to him that was black around the edges in a few places. I sit there silently and watch him write down a few things on a piece of paper before he looks up at me.

"I'm officer Jungkook, I'll just be asking you a few questions since you haven't done any crimes that were documented other than a few speeding tickets, this is just to get your information in the database and maybe find you a lawyer, do you have any questions?"

I didn't really have any questions other than what was in that little thin box on the table, I nod over to it.

"What is that? "

I watch him look over to it before he picks it up and opens it.

"Inkpad, to get your fingerprints. Any other questions relating to the charges you are being charged for?"

"Doesn't that police officer get in trouble? He threw me into his car."

"Well it doesn't look like you have any broken bones and you already scratched up your face by trying to escape so I really don't see the point in bringing it up, besides, I said questions relating to your charges."


"Okay then."

He asks me all these questions I don't understand or maybe he was just trying to make me look like a fool, I don't know. After all the questions, he uncuffs my hands and fingerprints my fingers and I admit, I gave him a rough time with it and I could see he was upset with me, I could see it in his face, he was trying to be cool calm and collected. I saw him take the cuffs and papers and leave, I grabbed the ink pad and started writing on the table and pretty much making a mess. I look up when the door opens and it's the police officer from before. He doesn't look too thrilled that I pretty much painted the table all black, he shuts the door before pulled up the chair from before but away from the table.

"I have nothing else to do and your papers are being put into our files. Looks like you are enjoying yourself."

"Looks like you are just here to piss me off."

"Wrong, I simply just wanted to see if you felt sorry for yourself. You crashed and burned real hard out there."

"Go fuck yourself."

"That's no way of talking to an officer like that. You should say sorry."

"Say sorry? What for? You are an asshole. You think you are high and mighty and above everyone else when really you are just an asshole who doesn't care about anyone but himself."

I watched his face when I said this, I must have struck some sort of nerve because he looked slightly pained by what I said or it seemed that way. He just looked at me for a moment before getting up and snatching the ink pad away from me before leaving. I can't see what I did wrong, I was right, I must have been right or he would have stayed and kept bothering me. I sat there for a while until the other officer came back. Jungkook I think it was? He looked surprised that I had put ink all over the table, he shook his head.

"The owner of the car doesn't want to press charges so you won't be going to court with him but you will still have to pay a fee and spend the night here."

He didn't say anything else because he just opened the door and then grabbed me by the wrist and lead me back to my cell that now had a cot with a think blanket and pillow with a bottle of water and a tiny thing of crackers. Great. I can pay the fee off easily I'm sure but it sucks I have to sleep in a cold cell that I am pretty sure hasn't been cleaned in a few days or not years. I fold the pillow in half before using the blanket to cover up but it didn't help because I was still wet and there was no way I was going to take my clothes off to let them dry, I just hoped that it would dry by the morning but it was still around 9 in the morning so I had a long day ahead of me.

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