Chapter Ten

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-Yoongi's Pov-

Well. Todays the day that Jimin goes to rehab. I won't lie and say I'm not happy for him because I am. It's very brave and mature of him to do this so he lives a long happy life. I'm happy to say that I, as his friend will be paying for the whole thing but I am not going to tell him, He'll feel bad and I don't want that when he's already freaking out. I'm driving Jimin there since it's in Busan, Yeah we could have taken a train or even pain but Jimin doesn't like being around people he doesn't know and I wouldn't force him to do that. I brought Jungkook with me because he told me that he didn't want to go because he didn't want to do to Busan because that's where his family is and he knows I am going to force him to see them after we drop Jimin off but I kidnapped him so it doesn't matter because we are halfway out of Seoul and Jungkook know's he doomed if he leaves now because he doesn't know his way back home from here.

"You really are a bad person, Min Yoongi"

"Yeah? Do you think your mother is going to say that? What about your father? Oh! and brother!! Can't forgot your clearly more artistic then you, brother"

"Yoongi. You really want to fight me."

"As I said, All bark and no bite"

I smiled to myself but hear a smacking sound and my eyes went wide "Don't you fucking dare, I will cut you."

"Oh...but I'm all bark and no bite?"

"Jesus, Jungkook I'm driving, do something else other than that"


I grip the steering wheel as Jungkook gives me the biggest wet willie of my life and I'm about to pull the car to the side of the road and beat his ass but Jimin shooed Jungkook away than handed me a few tissues to clean my ear. I glare at Jungkook through the rearview mirror and he's just smiling at me. Yep gonna beat his ass later for sure. 


It's been like a day and a half drive so...not today...really. We are close to the place Jimin needs to go, I buy him and Jungkook lunch because Jungkook was whining that he was hungry and while Jimin didn't say anything, his stomach was loud when it growled so I knew I had to feed them before Jungkook tried to eat random shit in my car. He ate a pebble once when we were in college and I think it somehow went to his brain because Jungkook hasn't been the same since then. I ate something little since I wasn't hungry but I did chug like 4 energy drinks without Jimin and Jungkook looking so I am wired as fuck. After a few short hours, we pull up to a place that looks like some weird daycare but apparently, this is a place where you pay to live while getting clean so I least he'll get three meals a day. I look to Jimin and I can see him freaking out. I get out and opened the door for him and he looks at the building before looking at me. I leave Jungkook in the car and went and helped get Jimin to get settled, he got his own room thankfully and it looked nice, not much like just a box that you are shoved in and told to get better, its actually like a hotel. I'm about to leave but Jimin stops me.

" remember...when I was still in the hospital...That you said you wouldn't leave me? That you would always stay by my side?"

"I remember."

I watched Jimin and frowned when he starts to cry. It pained me to see that he was so upset, he had only cried a few times in front of me but I knew he was scared he slowly comes up to me and hugs me tightly, and hides his face in my chest and I start to feel myself tear up because I can feel how fastly his heart is racing. I wrap my arms around him and he looks up at me. Tears streaming down his face.

"Please don't leave me, Yoongi. Please...I...I love you"

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