Chapter Fifteen

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-Yoongi's Pov-

Is there anything bigger or higher than cloud nine? If there is, that's where I'm at. Jimin is fast asleep cuddled up right next to me and I only have about 10 minutes to get ready for work then walk out the door. One of the hardest choices I have to make. I never expected an hour session turn into a whole day and night sort of deal. I don't even know where we both got that sort of energy from but I'm not complaining one bit. I decided if I want to keep my job that I should work, it breaks my heart to leave Jimin alone today since he has a day off. I gently kiss the top of his head before quickly taking a shower then dress quickly into my uniform. I grab everything I need and set it by the door of my bedroom while I sit on the bed and put my shoes on. I'm about to get up when I feel my wrist grabbed. I look over to Jimin and he's looking up at me with tired eyes.

"Do you..really have to go..?"

"Yes. I'll be late if I don't go now"



"...Stay safe...please"

"Of course, Jimin"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I feel him let go and I quickly peck his lips before heading out the door. I'm only two minutes late but no one seems to notice other than Jungkook who is sitting at my desk.

"Your late"

"Whatsit to you?"

"Well I take my job very seriously and you should too"

"Bitch, no. I saw you in the break room shoving your face with mini cupcakes the other day, you have no room to talk"

"I was testing to see if they were poisoned"

"Duh of course they were, that's why you have such a big nose"

"W-Well...fuck you.."

"I'm so hurt"

"You should be"

I roll my eyes before pulling Jungkook out of my chair then quietly looked over some of the paperwork on my desk.

"It's a field day, Yoongi, we hardly have paperwork to do"

"Well I have some leftover so shush while I do them"


I glance at Jungkook who goes right to his phone. I manage to get some work done before Jungkook shuts my computer off and flicks my head.

"Lets freaking goooooo"

"I have work to do, Jungkook. Please."

"Yoongi, you enjoy being stuck in small little spaces if it means you don't have to talk to anyone. Lets freaking go"

"I refuse"


"What park about "I refuse" didn't you understand?"

"Your mean"

"Your annoying"

I watch Jungkook look at me for a moment before he gets ups and leaves. I manage to get my work done just in time for Jungkook to come back and set down a mini cupcake on my desk.

"I got this for you..."


"Because we were arguing and then you got mad at me"

"I didn't get mad at you"

"Are...are you sure?


"Okay...but this is still for you"

I look down at the mini cupcake then look up at Jungkook before I take it and take a bite then set it down.

"Happy now?"


I gently give Jungkook a hug before going back to work. I managed to get a lot done today and I feel really proud of myself. It's late, later than normal since I stayed to finish up some extra stuff. I texted Jimin that I would be home shortly. I got up and shut everything off then left. I headed home but decided to pick up a few things from the store. I thought about getting flavored water again for Jimin and maybe getting something for supper tonight. I go and make a right turn then everything went black. 

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