Chapter Sixteen

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-Jungkook's Pov-

I don't hear the news until later tonight when I'm at home that Yoongi was in the hospital. It's everywhere on TV. 

"Drunk driver critically smashes into the driver side of Police Senior Inspector Min Yoongi's car. The drunk driver was identified as a 23-year-old college student, Kim-Soojae. Police said the Soojae had to have been going over 90 miles when they both impacted. Yoongi is in the hospital currently with life-threatening complications and sadly Soojae died later tonight on the way to the hospital" 

I haven't visited Yoongi because I'm on my way to Yoongi's house to see if Jimin is home. It's likely that he is freaking out, I mean I would if my lover didn't come home after something that big happens. I park my car before getting out and knock on the door. It took a few moments before Jimin opened the door. I knew he had seen the news because he was crying.

"Oh. Jungkook. w-what are you doing here?"

"I was here to come to check up on you, I know something like this is traumatic and I wanted to see if you were okay and if you wanted to see Yoongi"

"I..I'm okay..I want to see Yoongi.."

"Okay, let's go then"

The drive to the hospital is silent other than Jimin crying. I reach into the glove compartment and pull out a few tissues for him to use in case he needed to. I felt bad that he had to go through this. He doesn't deserve it. When we get there I ask for Yoongi's room number. I show them my badge and they right away give it to me. We walk there and I go in first. Yoongi is mostly IV's and bandages. I let Jimin in and I hear him let out a pained sob before going over to him, carefully touching his hand. I walk over and frown then hear a doctor walk in.

"Are you two in relation's to him?"

"I'm his best friend and this is his lover"

I point to Jimin who is too busy sobbing to talk.

"What exactly is wrong with him?"

"He on life support right now. He is suffering from broken ribs, left arm and leg bones broken and fractures to his skull as well as a severe concussion. He's in a coma and we think it's due to his brain swelling...we are giving him medicine to help but only time will tell, his injures might be too bad"

I frown and look down when I hear Jimin sobbing louder. I go over to him and hug him tightly and he quickly hides his face in my shoulder and grips me tightly. I gently hug him and rub his back. Yoongi can't die...I refuse it..he would not only be leaving me and Jimin, but he would also be leaving everyone else too. I can't have that.

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