Chapter Thirteen

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-Yoongi's Pov-

Last night was full of emotions for sure. After cleaning up the living room and kitchen I and Jimin had some drinks, maybe a few too many because I could hardly walk, and Jimin was on the floor laughing at me. I looked like a horse trying to walk for the first time so we just ended up sleeping on the floor in the living room. I woke up around maybe 10 in the morning and Jimin was out cold on the floor and Jungkook had spammed my phone because I had 50 texts and 30 missed calls. Damn. I overslept and completely missed my alarm to get ready for work. I tried to get up but I felt like I just got kicked in the temple so now I'm on the floor again.

|-----------Older Messages-----------|

8:30 AM

Questionable human bunny:

Hellllooooo???????? Yoongi?

Questionable human bunny:

Are you really freaking ignoring me? RUDE!

Questionable human bunny:

You're late for work. You're only late when your sleeping. Do I have to bitch slap you? Mister boss man is worrrried.

|-----------New Message-----------|

10:15 AM


Stfu I got drunk and overslept.

Questionable human bunny:

No need to be rude, wow. anyway. let me guess, you want me to cover for you?


Could you? I mean I could come in today but I don't want to see you.

Questionable human bunny:

Let me think about it...hmmmmmm. Nope :)


Bruh for real? After all, I've done for you?

Questionable human bunny:

HEY! I thought we swore to never ever ever ever ever speak about that!


Are you high? What the shit are you talking about?

Questionable human bunny:

If I was high, I wouldn't be talking to you!


I'm going to bed, byeeeeeee.

Questionable human bunny:


Questionable human bunny:


Questionable human bunny:

I'll tell mister boss man that you are sick.

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