Chapter 1 Silent poetry

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(( HARSH LANGUAGE THREW OUT THIS BOOK. (let me just say first couple of chapters are rough, like this was written so long ago but it gets better i promise)

hey guys hope you enjoy this!!

PS: I don't know very much about Ireland or Dublin but I'll try my best and I'll research it. Tell me what you think !))

"Schools stupid.
This class is stupid.
These people are stupid.
The human race is stupid."

You read your so called poem out loud to the class as they stared negatively at you.

"Thank you... (Y/n).. Good poem... But... it was supposed to be about love." the teacher said awkwardly in the corner.

You looked around glaring at the faces that stared up at you, then turned to her.

"I'm afraid I'm unaware of the feeling." You replied, as you stood stock still being stared at threw the glazed eyes of your love drunk classmates.

The teacher just signed blankly and continued writing your score down as you took your seat.

A few whispers came from each person but you ignored it.

But you knew it was along the lines of,
"What a downer"

But to be honest you didn't care, most of these people you could murder and know one would ever know.

you where done with these pathetic people and there love poems.

After class you went out to the court yard and sat by a fountain where the sound of water could sooth your anger.

That is Intel a couple sat near you and all you could hear was the disgusting smack of there lips squishing together.

You sighed, mentally flipped them off and walked out towards the bridge that sat near your school.

You sat down watching the nearly dry creek run under you.
You dangled your feet off the side kicking the air trying to subside your boredom.

A couple people walked over the bridge witch you didn't mind.
After all it is a public transport system.

The only thing that made you get up and walk away was the two men who stood leaning on the bridge rail.

They took out some cigarettes and lit them, one of them took one hit then threw it into the little creek below.

You got up in a huff,
"Filthy" you mumbled as you began to walk away.

"What did you say punk?!" One of the men yelled as you spun around rudely.

"I said filthy! Clean your ears moron!" You yelled as you turned back away and began to walk.

"Hey!" He yelled angry at your ignorance and grabbed your shoulder.

"Big mistake" you whispered, you grabbed his hand tightly.
Then spun around causing his arm to twist and crack as he spun and leaned his back into his arm.

You locked his arm behind his back by pushing it up causing it to make brutal cracking noises.

You then took your leg and slammed your knee into his back on the arm, causing it to snap and an echo of screams as he hit the floor.

He let his arm go limp by his side but quickly realized it was broken as he began to scream again.

The other man stood sill, the cigarette fell from his mouth as he opened it wide eyed.

You glared at him,
"You little shit!" He yelled rushing to his friend.

You just shrugged and walked off again.

You couldn't help the way you where, some times you wish that you could be nicer to people, sometimes you wanted to make friends.

However it seemed nearly impossible with the amount of disrespect everyone had.

Honestly they expect that they can throw things everywhere so people can clean up their messes.

Though you aren't the most sane person out there you where completely aware of more surroundings then most.

Especially in public places, maybe that's why you didn't have friends.

I mean your mildly tolerable though, right?

Maybe people can't understand you cause there to busy insisting that there's something wrong with you.

There's was nothing in this pathetic school for you. No friends to share complete thought with.
No one was like you.

You walked back to school as you thought and took a seat under a tree where you spotted a book laying helplessly on the grass.

It's pages looked rather bent and distorted, and the black binding was withering and stained.

You read the gold worn down letters on the cover.
"Ulysses by James Joyce"

The book may be dusty but you can't say it isn't a classic.

You shifted your legs to a comfy position and opened the book.

You began to read but was quickly interrupted.

"Enjoying it" you looked up to see a black haired boy with nearly night sky colored eyes with hints of muddy hazel.

His white button up was visible under his old black leather jacket, and his required school kakis lined his legs.

He was sitting in front of you with crossed legs as if he had been there the whole time.

"Where did yo-"
"Do like it?" He asked more demanding now but still with a light smile.

"Y-yes.. It's good." You replied confused.

"How much have you read?" He questioned.

You looked around oddly,
"Half way threw." You stated, and his looks turned more amused.

"Hmm, you know your different. It's not everyday i meet a person who lies to me for reasons unknown." He replied with a twinkle of devil in his shadow covered eyes.

"What makes you think I'm lying? I'm not." You said sternly and he just laughed a bit.

"Really? You mean you didn't just find that book and start reading it less then 5 minutes ago?" He questioned you, still smiling.

"Alright alright yeah so I did what's it to you?!" You raised your voice a bit, you didn't like people.

"Well that IS my book." He answered lifting his head off his hand that he had it resting on.

"Prove it." You replied, unwilling to give up a work of literature to strangers.

He shrugged, and reached over turning the book to the last page cover and pointing at the name.

"James Moriarty" he said as he also reached in his pocket bringing out his student ID with the same name on it.

You signed.
"Huh... Alright James, here" you handed him the book.

"Jim, call me Jim, and I'll let you borrow it." He said.

You smiled lightly.
"Thank you... Jim... I'm (y/n)"

"Heh... I know"
He looked up at you with dazzling eyes, then got up.

"Wait how will I get it back to you??" You asked and he just turned back laughing a bit.

"Literature class, nice poem by the way.. 10 times better then the others." He replied then he was gone.

DIFFERENT (Teen Moriarty x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant