Chapter 4 The broken run away

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You opened the door slowly, it wasn't very late but the sun was setting, and you had just gotten home from the walking around all day after your meet up with Jim.

You heard the crashing of bottles and coughing from the living room, as you slowly unzipped your hoodie holding it in your hands.

"Mom?" You called out, walking in and seeing her sitting up on the couch, chugging down a bottle of what looked like whisky.

"Mom stop you can't drink that much!" You yelled at her.

Your mother like most times was so drunk she could barley walk.
Her temper was worse when she was intoxicated, her mental state was a constant mess that you where forced to clean up.

"SHUT UP!" She yelled, throwing a bottle at you, you ducked and it smashed on the wall behind you.

She picked up another big bottle of vodka and began to chug it, standing up.

"Momma!!" You yelled and ran to her, grabbing her hands trying to make her stop, the bottle dropped smashing into a million pieces along with the stinging stench of toxins.

She pushed you down, where your arms landed on the glass, causing you to cry out.

You could feel the glass piecing your back and arms.

"Why do you always ruin my fun?!!!" She yelled and picked up another bottle wielding it in her hands.

You covered your self, preparing for the hit, but instead heard the sound of gaging.

You looked up, seeing that she was now on her knees throwing up.

You didn't want to be here, you slowly sat up, grabbing your hoodie that had fallen, and trying not to let more glass cut you.

With in seconds you had ran out the back door and threw the yard, into the streets by more houses.

You could still hear your mother screaming at you to come back but you where already far away.

You had finally ran far enough to reach the start of the forest behind all the houses.

The sun was at a gentle set and you had walked straight into the forest by the little creek that ran threw the trees.

"Ahhh!!" You yelled in an angry tone and kicked the side of the log that ran across it.

"Why can't I just leave?!!!" You yelled in frustration as you sat your self down on the log, letting your feet dangle off the edge above the creek.

You needed someone to talk to.. But you didn't really ever tell anyone anything.

Because they wouldn't understand, they couldn't.

The blood seeped from your cuts, where you knew there where still shards of glass in them.

You pulled out your phone, afraid because you didn't want to tell anyone but... You needed to get these cuts cleaned.

You scrolled past your two contacts, one being your dad, and the other being Jim.

You stopped yourself, calling is to hard, what where you going to say??

You stood, thinking and then you decided on something.

You knew where Jim lived.. Well you knew his address...

You cautiously approached the front steps of jims mansion.

You where worried, scared, and the blood was still seeping from your arm, though some of it had dryed..

You stepped up one more step, but quickly pulled down your hoodies sleeves to cover the cuts.

You pushed the door bell, a symphony of tones where heard from inside then the many sounds of foot steps.

The door flung open and a happy fat maid leaned out at you.

She was dressed in a typical kind maid outfit, white lace, black cloth, and apron.

"Why Hello madam, what can I do for you?"
She asked, smiling widely at you.

"I-is James here?" You asked and her smile grew.

"Yes! Come in come in! Master Jim!! A very pretty young girl is here to see you!!" She called up to the balcony.

With in a few moments of her awkward eye contact, mixed with the far to happy smile, Jim appeared by the stairs.

"(Y/n)?" He asked as he reached the bottom of the stair case.

You smiled, shifting your self.
He stood in front of you now, with a very confused and upset look.

"What happened?" He questioned, looking into your eyes, he could tell something was up.

"I-I....." You tried to say before feeling a tear roll down your cheek.

"..It's alright come on let's go to my room and talk." He replied as he gently held your arms to guid you.

The pressure of his hands sent waves of pain into your body from the cuts.
You let out a small cry of pain yet so small it was barely noticeable.

He led you up the stairs and to a room around the corner.

You looked around as he opened the door, there where books lining a very large wall, and multiple others scattered on the floor in stacks.

The room was lightly lit with two lambs in each corner and a bed near the opposing wall to the book case.

The walls where incrested in a navy blue color and a telescope sat near the glass double doors that where furthest from you.

You looked down at the white carpet and back up to see Jim staring strangely at you.
"What happened to you tonight?" He asked, the spark of worry In his eyes nearly spelling out the words.

"I... Had some family trouble." You replied and he approached you with a sigh.

"I get it, you don't have to tell me everything, just take off your coat and stay for a while." He said as he gently pulled the coat away from your shoulders and down your arms.

He removed it as you felt the fresh air sting at your cuts and the fabric pull at the small shards of glass in them.

You stood paralyzed, waiting for him to scream, or tell you to leave.

He gasped when his eyes locked onto your bleeding flesh.
"(Y/n).... Wh-" he began to say before throwing the coat down and gently coming to the front of you.

"Ur going to tell me what happened, but for now.. Where going to clean up these." He said as his eyes where still wide and you began to weep.

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