Chapter 14 Caged i am a criminal

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"For the mythical creature that is my brain, the silence was like a cage.

Engulfed in the sound of nothing, was, unfortunately deadly. " your thoughts played allowed to you.

The car ride silent, with nothing but an engine lightly creating a quite roar of gas.

The off white interior of a light blue 1966 notchback mustang, was the only comfort as the long ride stretched on.

You found joy in cars, in models that you found superior.

Mustangs, for example, elegant and strong.

The two men who had dragged you from your safe house where sitting motion less in the front.

Stern eyes and chiseled, dull features.

The one who was driving kept shifting his eyes to the overhead mirror.

Call it an attempt to keep watch on his prisoner.

The women who had so rudely charged into your home was trailing behind, her soft plump features crammed into a 1963 mercedes Benz.

The car was little, a two seater with a reversible hard top. Most likely imported from Germany.

With your knowledge of cars you could tell it was the perfect car for her, small, beautiful, and fit her soft yet stern personality.

You turned your face to the men again, deciding to glare straight up at the mirror the man had been looking threw.

This struck him as strange, considering he had only seen you looking out the window.

"I can see that your angry." He spoke up, causing the second man, slightly less buff, to turn his head.

"Why shouldn't I be?" You questioned.

"It's not our choice, whether you can stay there." He answered, his eyes glancing to the other man before fixing them back to you.

You simply rolled your eyes, sighing as you looked out to the window.

"Look kid, I would be grateful, I never even met my dad-"
"Why is this relevant?"

You look panicked as you pondered the words in your mind.

"Ms. (Y/n)..." He sighed, almost feeling sorry for your lack of knowledge.

"Where taking you to your fathers." He looked to you with sorrow eyes threw the frame.

"No.....No." You shook your head, biting back rage.


"No! My father dousnt want me! My father hates me! " you yelled.

"(Y/n).." The other man turned to you, feeling sorry you could tell.

"Your father contacted us right away, he was so worried, he had been looking for you for so long."
He narrowed his eyes in a tender way.

"No. No. He's a bum, he did nothing but yell, drink, and sit on his ass." You huffed.

"Actually, he's quite the opposite of a bum, he's a successful businessman with a big house."
He smiled lightly, as if it would make a difference.

You leaned in, clenching your teeth.

"Do not presume to know the actions of a man, judging upon his life status." You glared.

He let his smile drop as he looked to the front again.

When you got to the house the men opened the car door for you, considering they had made it a child safety lock.

"It's alright." The driver reassured you.

You looked up, eyes growing wide at the beauty of the home.

A two story house, with tan walls and white trim.

Flowers lined the path way to the door, as well as two big trees standing stern in the front.

"Welcome home." The women who had trailed behind smiled.

Your own face of amazement dropped into a shaking face of anger.

"This isn't home." You replied.

You knew what home was, home was with jim. Home was never a real home, it was with a person who made you feel at home.. And safe.

It was not even the home you grew up in.. That tattered and broken home. It was always with Jim, even when you had not known it. Because before Jim.. Home was an absent place.

They soon marched you up to the door, looking as if they where dragging a dangerous criminal to jail.

You stood, looking defeated at the front of the wooden white door.

The women lifted her hand and pounded it hard on the door.

You swore the people in China could hear.

A moment passed by before a response was noticed.
The women nearly lifted her hand again.

"Coming!!" You heard a muffled voice behind the door frame, then footsteps fast approaching.

You began to feel panicked racking threw your chest, your heart beating out of your ribs.

You began to feel light headed as you heard a hand on the doorknob.

You squirmed in the hold on the two men, as a creak was heard.

And then.

It was him.

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