Chapter 18 Darkeness is home

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(y/n) point of view

It's been nearly 16 years since my death. Jim had graduated high school but I had not.. I had left school after my death. I hid behind a wall of darkness, left at home, taught by sabastian. I could no longer be known to the world anymore. When we had finished our studies, I boarded a privet jet with Jim to London. Jack had parted ways from us. He began a new life, a new name and new ambitions. We had no contact with him after the plan... The only things we knew where from a private investigator of jims father..

Jim and I had found a new interest for work.

We began when we had a run in with some criminals. They took us in, showing us everything they knew. The people who surrounded us where drug addicts and convicts. All of whom had been around enough to know exactly how to tango with Scotland Yard.

After a few years of following the alliance of these criminals we had learned enough to start on our own.

Though many of our competitors where more advanced and experienced, they had not finished school, nor did they value intellect.

With the knowledge Jim and I contained we where easily rose to the stardom of the web.

From this criminal web, we became the widows, whom devoured all flys who tried to wonder into our silky net.

After a couple years of newly found ambitions, Jim had lead me to the roof of a skyscraper and got down on one knee. With the sound of the bee gees singing "staying alive" in the background and the light glow of lanterns showing on our faces. he popped the question.

And so... Began our rain.
Today... Was the 10th of January 2009. The 16th anniversary of my death.

Unlike most anniversaries it went on completely unnoticed.. The past was so blurred from where we used to be, that details seemed untouched.

So the world kept on turning.. And we kept on moving...

From the distant sound of my thoughts there came a loud beep from a phone.

I shuffled from my daze and grabbed it into my hands, panting as I mumbled a "hello?" Into my end.

We had hired many people to work for us in the past, so threw out the day calls where not uncommon.

Some of the men we had hired came from far places. A man I had become quite fond of was a American who was a former accountant. He became handy in our forces, calculating the masses of weaponry and sales profit.

Our newest worker was a former CIA Agent whom after leaving the agency stumbled upon a ruff situation. Her only option was to join us in hopes that the people she had picked a fight with would leave her alone.
She now worked for us as a newly trained assassin in our outer field.

-------------- (your POV)

The phone let out a light sign before a panicked voice echoed out of it.

"MAM UH-um...." you let out a tried breath and scratched your head.

"What? Go on finish your sentences"
You spoke feeling Way to over worked for this.

"Mr. Moriarty needs to see you right away." He mumbled into the phone, panting after words.

"Ah. I see. And why are you so out of breath?" You questioned.

He let out a long sign before laughing a bit and panting again.
"Mr. Moriarty said if I didnt hurry he'd-... Well..."
"He'd what??"
"Skin me.." He gulped as he said this.

You laughed harshly.
"Oh he will, if I don't get to you first." You smiled.
He went silent and hung up.

You let out a yawn before sitting up and walking to the door around your desk.

The bunker you worked in was located just outside of London underground linked off the paths of a subway train.

It was a large area, two stories filled with multiple different offices and rooms.

You finally arrived at the back of the second floor where jims office dwelled.

You didn't bother to knock, as you where his right hand man- or women... Like a Vice President, you simply lead beside the man of power.

"And you suppose I should pay the price of his death just because he worked for me?" You heard his deep voice rumble as he spoke into his cell phone.

He paused for a Moment listing to the person on the other end. His face was set to glare at the ground as he twirled a pen between his fingers.

"You tell him if he has a problem with the way I run things he can come confront me personally. Other wise, good bye mister Morgan."
He hung up the phone viciously and averted his attention up to you.

"Hello darling" he spoke, turning his head back down to some papers and scribbling in details.

You began to move, walking over behind him and wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

He signed and smiled as he continued working.

"Do you remember how I informed you of our new force?" He asked, you where certain he was talking about the new assassin you had just recently had trained.

"Yes darling, the former agent?" You asked as he simply nodded in response.
You stood up and sat on the couch to the right of his desk.

"She needs to be personally confronted to both of us before we consider her a trustworthy employee." He didn't look up as he continued to write down things and flip threw pages.

You throw your head back on the couch and looked up to the ceiling.

"Well then, bring her in." You simply said. You heard jim grab the phone and call the assistant to get the new agent.

After he hung up he motioned you to come over to him where you stood beside him, hand on his shoulder waiting for the double doors to open.

After about 4 minutes a medium height slender women walked in.

"I was informed you where In need of my presence sir." She spoke up, he voice as light as the rain.

"Sit down." Jim stated as she lowered her self in the chair in front of the desk.

"May I ask what this is about." She asked.

Jim signed lightly and pulled his chair out and got up, you followed him before you sat on the couch again, him sitting on the front of his desk.

"You have come into this business as a way of escaping your former life, correct?"

She shifted her self in her seat.
"Yes sir." She replied.

Jim laughed lightly, reaching behind him and grabbing a USB file compartment and twirling it with in his palms.

"And I suppose you wouldn't want this falling into the wrong hands." She looked up at his hands with eyes of horror.

"This is your entire history." He smiled.

"I-I thought you erased all the data... I thought I had a fresh start." She looked as though she was on the bridge of tears.

Jim sifted him self on his desk.
"I never allow workers any sort of advantage over me. I am putting a gun in the hands of a stranger and expecting not to get shot. You wouldn't dare think that I you would be completely free would you?" She sat there shocked as Jim smiled with a breath of air.

"This little rectangle, is a key to your freedom..." He paused looking down at her frightened form.

"You are only as free as I allow you to be miss Morstan."

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