Chapter 3 A life like thunder

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((If you are sensitive to broken family life situations be warned, your character is quite a troubled soul.))

You opened your eyes, blinking wildly and squinting at the bright sun light looming from the window.

"Noooo!" You grunted and pulled the covers over your head.

"(Y/n)!!!!" Your mother called to you from the kitchen.

"UGHHH...." You groaned some more and curled into a tighter ball under the blankets.

"ITS TIME TO WAKE UP YOU LAZY SHIT!!!" She screamed at you, you could tell she was now at the bottom of the stairs.

You signed and got up, sitting at the side of your bed.

You could here her waddle back to the kitchen at the sound of glass falling and breaking.

You knew she was stumbling all over probably to go back on the couch.

"COMING!!!" You yelled back, hoping she wouldn't get angrier.

Your mother wasn't like you, you where smart, she was mostly dumb.

You where shut out to most people, she was shut out to everyone.

You where not close to her, you where not even like a daughter.

Don't get me wrong, you liked life but..

Being an only child with a single mother was a bit frustrating to be honest.

You got up and grabbed a (f/c) shirt from the closet, and slipped it on over your bra.

You threw a gray hoodie over it and zipped it half way up.

You pulled on some black skinny jeans and some sneakers, then proceeded to walk down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Mom?" You asked as you walked into the kitchen.

Bottles apon empty bottles where stacked on top of each counter, and a mess of burnt eggs and bacon where left smoking on the stove.

"Mom? Do you want me to make you some real food?" You asked her, then looked up over the counter.

She was laid on the couch fast asleep.

You signed and walked over by her where more bottles and cigarette containers lay on the coffee table.

You stared down at her sleeping form,
"It's almost like I'm the mom."
You mumbled as you covered her
Up with an old blanket,
then walked past her back to the kitchen again.

You looked around noticing the mess and not wanting to clean it up.

You decided it was best to just leave, and enjoy your day off.

You walked down the street then pulled out your old flip phone where you could see there was a message from Jim.

"The clover Cafe, meet me there, 10:00. -J.M"

The text was sent two hours ago and currently it was 9:30.

You figured since you had time you might take a walk first.

You walked down the road by your house that lead to a small field with a bench that sat in the middle of it.

You lived more near the out skirts of Dublin, witch was fine by you considering your mothers habits.

Leaning back on the bench you noticed the fog that covered the air reminded you a lot of Jim.

The fog was not only blurring everything bad about the outskirts of the city but was comforting in a way.

Much like how he was a comfort to you.

You couldn't understand this really.. Why where you feeling like this?

You sat, starring at the fog Intel it became 9:45 then you decided to head to the cafe.

You walked back past your house and to the inner city.

The cobble stone streets where lined with busy people and smiling faces as you spotted the small cafe on the corner ahead.

You looked threw the window of the cafe that you where about to enter, it was cozy, and decorated with white Christmas lights inside.

You walked in, hearing the sounds of bells as you pushed open the door.

"Welcome." A voice said, and you turned your head to see a women at the counter, pumping coffee into a cup.

"Hello" you replied and smiled as you walked further in then looked around.

You saw Jim, in the back, holding yet another book in his hands.
He sat near the window where the light sun shinned onto his dark hair.

His posture was completely still, and his eyes darted back and forth on the pages.

He seemed sad though, as if what he was reading was a tragedy.

You slowly got up onto the stool in front of him.

"What are you reading this time?" You asked and he slowly lifted his head to look at you.

And again you could feel the sorrow spun in his eyes.

You could see that the book he held had a women in a bathtub on it, who was covered in a sort of sleek sheet, in the water.

"It's called a certain slant of light, and it's by Laura Whitcomb." He replied to you and slowly closed the book, setting it down.

"What's it about?" You ran your finger down the cover of the book and then looked up at him.

"It's about a ghost girl, who no one can see, or so she thought. Later you find out that a boy named billy can see her and one thing leads to another and she ends up possessing a body.
I don't want to spoil anything, just in case you read it but the love in it.. It's rather sad.
Not that I know what love feels like.."
He finished and darted his eyes down.

A man approached us in a green apron, holding two cups of coffee and setting them down in front of us.

"Loves like coffee, sometimes it's to hot." He smiled pushing the cup to you that he had ordered for you.

You laughed a bit then shifted your eyes back down, taking the cup in your hands.

"Loves stupid, I'm glad Iv never felt it." You replied and he smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" You asked and he began to lightly laugh.

"It's just.. Haha what makes you say that?" He questioned, and you looked out the window smiling.

You felt the burn of the coffee warming your hands threw the cup.

"It's just.. Have you ever been a whiteness to broken love?" You stared into his confused eyes.

"No." He replied and you fixed your posture looking down at your hands.

"It's like.. When two people love each other so much, but neither of them know it or when one of them dousnt feel it any more. And some times you never know it or sometimes it can never be fixed.. I don't want anything to do with that." Your voice was a settle tone, your eyes shifted.

You didn't know exactly why you felt like this, possibly because all your life you have only ever stood and watched relationships crumble.

You moved the cup around and took a small sip, smiling at its delicious goodness.

"Maybe someone can change that." He replied with a light smile on his face.

"I doubt it" you said and saw his smile rise and his eyes twinkle.

DIFFERENT (Teen Moriarty x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें