Chapter 19 Puzzle Pieces

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The entire community in London where stricken off guard with a bombarded currency of death.

The only difference between the death of then, and death of now is that now, the curtains have risen.

No longer was the criminal antics of our web in the shadows...

It's much like the time Americans began to frantic and worry over the crime levels in New York, however the crime had always been that high, it's just... No one ever heard about it.

The reason for stepping out of the darkness was simple, boredom.

Jim had always taken great pride in his doings, no matter how vile they where.

However in this time, everything slowed... He Shimmered down from a feared King, to a by stander.

Everyone has known their place, there was no need for assassins or fields....

The remainder of his workers where sent to other country's.
To fead the medafotical thread of our silky net, threw a much wider range.

He, however... Remained at the center.... A widow still miniplutaliting the many flys that where stuck here.

Formerly we would do nothing more then make people disappear.
If need be... Eliminate those who got in the way.

However now... Jim had sparked a new interest in something.

A man... By the name of Holmes.


"James!!" You screamed. He was lazily look out the window as he had been for months.

"In 1989 a young man by the name of William Sherlock Holmes... Was snooping around the crime scene of a pool accident in Brighton..... He was convinced it was more then a simple drowning... He could never convince anyone else..."
Jim began to mumble well he twirled a pen around in his finger tips. Gazing out the window as if answers resided in the glass.

"Brighton... Pool.... James are you taking about-"
"My dear.... He is what Iv been waiting for."
He interrupted you.

"Waiting for?"
You asked.

"Holmes.... Sherlock Holmes... A rival from the very beginning of my existence... I had not learned of until now."

"I don't understand" you spoke.
"Why douse this matter.. Why douse Sherlock Holmes matter."

He looked around, getting up and walking towards you, avoiding all possible eye contact as he sort of shuffled with his feet, the pen still dancing in his hands.

He nearly sang, looking all around the room then suddenly to your eyes.

"He is my antipode, my divergent, my opposing force...." He trailed off slipping his hand on your cheek and holding your fave to look at him.

"He's the piece... The missing piece..."

You looked up at his smirk, a twinkle of his devil like charm shimmering aimlessly in his eyes.

"If he's your missing piece, how will you connect him to the puzzle."
You asked...

He laughed silently and removed his hand twirling around and walking back towards the window.

He then stood looking out it and putting his hands firmly behind his back. His stands stock till and stern as it was when he had an idea.

"There's a cab driver in east of London by the name of Jeff hope..
Fetch him for me.. I'd like to do him a little charity.."


Two weeks later, a series of suicides shook the city of London..

Of corse these suicides where never simply that..

You had been walking threw the halls once more, holding a bucket of ice as you walked to the hotel room you and Jim where staying in.

When you opened to door, Jim was sitting in an arm chair beside the bed, looking the the side of a blank wall... Seeming to process information as they came skipping threw his mind.

"Jimmy, darling?"
(((Ohhhhh see what I did there did you??? Hahaha)))

You asked hopefully

"If I sat two bottles in front of you that where exactly the same and asked you to choose witch one was poison and witch one was harmless.... Could you tell me the difference?"

He continued to stare at the wall as he asked this, pressing his linked hands to his chin.

"I suppose I couldn't... I suppose It would be a guessing game... A matter of chance"
You answered, setting the ice down on the bed beside you.

"Yes.. You would think wouldn't you..." He mumbled.

"Am I wrong? Is there a way to till?" You asked, starting to get interesting in this scenario.

"What if I told you I knew the secret to witch bottle was poison?" He asked.

"But that wouldn't matter would it? I'd still be oblivious, I'd still be guessing."
You answered him.

He stayed silent.
"Jim what's this about?"

"Sherlock Holmes has a thinking capacity outside the normal level.... This results in him making rash decisions with out breaking down..
I crave to know his antics.. I crave to know his mind."

He put his hands down and looked up to you.
"I wish to dance with this angel we have come to know... He has Waltz with my first test... And he has stepped on the foot of this plan"

You sat on the bed next to him.

"What's your next plan??"
You asked him.

"Do you remember when we once aided a criminal organizations safe passage from China?"
He spoke.

"Yes.... The black lotus tong was it?"

"Correct... Get me general Shan.... I have a favor."

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