Chapter 2 Reckless ways

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You stood by your (f/c) bike shivering. For a spring morning it sure was cold.

You had a black scarf wrapped around your neck loosely. It was dotted with little skulls and wasn't as warm as you would like it to be, considering it was made out of silk.

The traffic in this frantic town was monstrous, witch is part of the reason you didn't ever get a cab.
But of corse not just traffic from cabs and trolleys but mostly from people.

A lot of people walked the streets from place to place, mostly cause there jobs where so close and other times because of the beautiful place that was Dublin.

To be honest despite the traffic and the people, you really did love this place.

The cobble stone streets and twinkling city lights are enough to make you, i don't know, act like a women?

You road your bike threw the back ally ways intel you finally saw your school in the distance.

"Dublin academy"
You mumbled... A school for not only the most intelligent but the richest as well.

It was an old sandy brick building that looked more like a scene from a princess movie.

You liked your school but you couldn't say the same for the people in it.

You road down the small hill to the school and tried to slow down as you came closer to the bike wrack.

You hit the breaks but nothing seemed to change. You clenched the handle again but there was no shift in speed.


You where gaining speed from the hill as you steered yourself to avoid a person who was walking.

Your bike ran onto the grass and fast approaching the bike wrack.

No no no no no no

Your bike slammed into the wrack as other people moved out of the way.

The tire stuck in the space between the bars and you and your bag that was slung over your shoulder flew up and over the bike wrack.
Landing you hard on your back on the other side of it.

"UGHHH...." You groaned as you slowly sat up.

"So not only are you a poet, but your a acrobat to?" A voice was heard from in front of you so you looked up, still holding your head.

You saw the black short hair and devilish smile and knew exactly who it was.


"Well I made a dramatic entrance didn't i?" You replied, smiling a bit but still in pain.

"I guess that's one way of looking at making a fool of yourself." He laughed as he lent a hand out to you.

You slowly took it and let him pull you onto your feet.

"It's not my fault, my damn brakes won't work." You huffed as you cleaned off your now grass stained kakies.

"Huh... I'll take a look at it after school, but for now let's go get that gash cleaned up."
He pointed to your arm, only then did you notice your for arm, bleeding, dirt covered and red.

You nodded and he grabbed your hand, pulling you behind him over by the fountain. You blushed a little at the gesture.

Everyone had finished there joking and left to hurry to class.

You sat down on the concrete outline of the pool, where water trickled down into from the statue of a marble steed.

Jim sat in front of you, and reached into his bag.
Grabbing a black handkerchief, and dipping it into the fountains water.

"Thank you for this." You said, staring up at him as he slowly pressed the cloth to your skin.

"It's nothing, after all it hard to find people like you." He replied, not looking up from your arm.

"People like me?" You asked.

He finished cleaning the last bit of blood from your arm and began to tie the cloth around it.

"Your like me, and as far as I can tell no one else is." He replied as he smoothed the wrinkles of the cloth that was now covering your cut very nicely.

"Alright, what is 'like you'?" You asked making hand gestures as you said the last two words.

He starred up into your eyes and smiled.

"What do you think about the people here?" He asked, his eyes twinkling with delight.

"There idiots, most of them filthy, and to sane to have any real common sense." You replied, looking around at the few students who where rushing into the building.

"Exactly, see if I where to ask any of the other people that they would probably reply to me with a mess of slang and sugar coating.
But not you.. You answered me the way I would answer anyone who asked that question." He smiled wider and you felt a smile creep on to your face as well.

"The world is a place of mostly sane, idiots with no real character, but there are a select few, such as you and me, that are different." He finished and looked around to see that everyone had gone to class.

"Huh.." You smiled and raised an eyebrow at him.

"What?" He asked looking back to you.

"How come i didn't notice you before?" You asked as you stood up from the fountain.

"People like us don't notice anyone intel they say something that strikes us as different. We are like spiders in a world full of flies, we can't get someone Intel they come close enough to our web." He replied and stood up next to you as well.

"You know Jim, your the only person that I could tolerate as a friend." You smiled up at him and he laughed.

"Haha Well it's good to know the feelings mutual." He began to walk with you into the building.

"I'll fix your bike after school, meet in the library at 4:00, I'm normally in there studying." He said before walking away and disappearing at the end of the hall into a classroom.


After all your classes of the day where done you walked down to the library in room 2213.

Apon opening the wooden door with the gold handle you saw that there where less then 10 people in the library.

You walked over and looked down the rows of books trying to find Jim, there wasn't a sign of him anywhere.

"Jim??" You widespread threw the shelves but no one answered.

You finally got to the back of the room where the horror book section was.

There you spotted Jim at the back table, head stuck in a book.

You got closer and read the title of the book.

"how I did it by Jack the Ripper?"
You asked as you sat down next to him.

He looked up at you and smiled darkly.

"Yeah, one of my favorites." He replied and you laughed a bit.

"What's it about? Who's jack?" You asked.

His smile grew more amused as he set down the book and starred into your eyes.

"Jack, is just a sort of made up name for the killer. Jack the Ripper was a man who durning the late 1880's killed multiple prostitutes. They say he would hire them, but soon after they arrived he would cut there throats and sometimes even rip out there organs." He smiled and watched your face grow a little shocked.

"COOL!" You yelled but quickly shut your mouth.

He smiled up at you, as you began to blush.

"Haha Come on I'll help you fix your bike." He motioned you to follow him as you both walked out of the library.

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