Chapter 16 Intruder

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(Warning I didn't check this one for misspelling cause I'm at school and I didn't want to make yall wait longer.)

A man stared back at you in a desperate attempt to earn your attention.

This man... Whom sat across from you was a man you had now known for little over 2 weeks.

It's a forced relationship... To be held captive by a father so uncomfortably awkward.

You had avoided eye contact with him almost every time you saw him. You would dodge questions like bullets and conversations like the plague.

It wasn't any use to have him get close and it certainly wasn't of your expectations.

He kept pushing though... He would ask you about school.. And sports and your mother. But non of it lasted a breath, you gave short unclear answers all well avoiding the initial question.

It wasn't tell he confronted you on how unwarm your presence was that he got his real answer.

"(Y/n)..." He mumbled out, it was nearly drowned by how nervous this talk was.

"Hmm." You mumbled back. You had no desire to understand anything he was saying.

"I was wondering if you would like to do something tomorrow... Considering how distant we have been."

You rolled your eyes at how uncreative his approach was.
"No." You answered.

He nodded before looking away to a wall. He must have found it fascinating considering he stared at it for what seemed like forever.

He slowly got up.. Wiped his face of the sleepy bags forming under his eyes. Then proceeded to his room.

You sat , silently mapping out your dread.

That night around 9:35 the phone jolted you from the words on the tea colored page. You had been nose deep in a old copy of "oliver twist" by charles dickens.

Your father or should you say "Dean" had given you this copy as a welcoming present. He didn't know much about you.. But when he had searched your house on the hunt to find you, he noticed your love for books crowded every shelf.

You sat down the fragile book you had been reading, and lightly touched the phone.

You felt waves of fright wash over you, almost as if you expected a murderer to be on the other line.
(Pfffttttt hahaha you where right)

To your delight, when you picked up the phone, the voice that was heard lightly danced in your ear.

"Hello darling." It said.
You couldn't quit finger out where he had got this nickname from.. He had never called you that before.

"Jim?" You questioned, only to be answered by a light "mm hmm" on the other end.

You smiled, blushing because the voice you where listening to was one you had longed to hear most days.

"I have a plan." He said perking up.

You nodded, before realizing he couldn't see the nods and getting a loud "(y/n)??" From the other end.

"Oh what, yeah I'm here sorry. What's your plan." You answered.

"You need to run away first, come home... I'll explain." He said then hung up quickly.

"UGHHHHH" you grunted, he had to be complicated and cunning. You hated and adored it at the same time.

The next night was hell, laying in bed silently. Nothing but a clock to provide a light tick of noise in the distance.

You had to leave, you had to sneak out but your father was like a security camera.
With every move he flinched, with every breath he glanced.

You layed there, thinking the only way out was threw the darkness of night.
He locked every door, every window, and hovered over a light sleep.

He could wake at the sound of a foot step.

The only way out was in this tiny bedroom. Witch means... The window.

You walked to the window, hearing tiny creaks from the floor boards.

"Shit." You mumbled, the door may had been closed but it's best not to make any suspicious activity.

You put your hand on the frame and lifted. Only for it to be suck., it creaked to let you know how unwilling it would be.

You undid the first latch and went to the second one, pulling and pushing and easing it out of its firm grasp. It unlocked with a loud "click". You gasped and spinned around at the sound of a footstep.

You quickly realized no one was there, that it had been your own foot lightly tapping the floor.

You pressed lightly with your hand, sliding the window up in a effortless attempt to subside the creaking.

Finally you stared out the open window, the fresh essence of night seeping threw your skin.

You signed, looking down from the second story window.

You noticed a ledge, where the drain pipes connected down to the side of the house. Below it was the air conditioner, a big metal block a few inches away from the side wall.

You grabbed the sides of the window, holding your body against the frame and skidding your feet to meet the tiny ledge of the pipes.

They made a creaking sound as you stepped on to them.

You slid your body against the wall, sticking your foot out but realizing it wasn't close enough to touch.

You looked down, threw the darkness seeing how far it was away. It was ruffly three feet down from from the pipe. It was clear you would have to jump. You turned your body around ruffly and peered down at the metal.

You got your stance ready. You gave a light push off but realized your mistake. A shriek of metal, and pipe was heard collapsing beneath the threshold of your feet.

With less then a second passing you by, you felt your body hang in the air before crashing down on to the metal air unit and falling beside it, to the ground.

You laid there for a second, mentally slapping your self for not being more careful.

You body aced with the feeling of rocks and sticks ached into your back.
Before grunting, and proceeding on your way.

You arrived at the back door of the mansion, you figured it would be easier for him if you wherent seen.

You managed to climb into the back side of the garden and sneak in threw the open door of the dinning hall. You noticed how dull things where, everyone was asleep, nothing but empty chairs and clean tables.

You began to walk, inching closer and closer to the stair case, then with a terrible shriek, a red light started flashing threw the darkness as a alarm blared in the distance.

You jolted up, tripping over you feet in a scared attempt to see, and falling on your back.

From the dark distended, outlined by a pale red light a figure rushed at you.

It yelled like a banchie as it jumped up and landed on top of you, wielding an umbrella in hand.

"AHHHH!!" You screamed until a light lit the room, you glanced at sabastien who had turned on the light.

When you looked back you saw jim sitting on top of you with the umbrella held high above his head.

"Don't scare me like that! I could have hurt you!" He yelled worriedly. You looked up confused and eyeballed the umbrella.

"Where you gonna stab me to death with an umbrella?"
You answer. He looked at it, questioning its presence and then looked back to you.

"J-Jim." His eyes where still stock still on yours. He signed and got off of you pulling you up and grabbing you into his arms.

"I'm so sorry my dear." He mumbled.

You rested your head on his shoulder lightly.

"No harm done."

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