Chapter 12 Systems

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"He's a bum." She would say.

"A worthless man, he never even loved you." She would repeat.

" but maybe if I-"

"Stop. You can't do anything about it now. I'm telling you (y/n), that man took one look at you and split."

She would often repeat these things, as if they hadn't been carved into your heart before.

You had never met your father.
When you where only a week old he disappeared.

You couldn't get over the fact that he didn't love you. It was sting set so deep down you could rarely forget.

Your mother said he refused to send money to help, and that even at your sickest state, he would refuse medical treatment fees.

It was so clear that he had no desire to father you. Yet you still kept his number saved in your mobile, it's as if it was a constant reminder never to speak to him, though you have found yourself from time to time, finger inches away from the dial.


Today was like any other day at Jims.

The birds left chirping in the misty morning air, the sun peaking out from the gray clouds that Inclosed the sky.

You had wondered to the garden again, this time with no Jack in site.

You often dreamt of the garden, of the day you met a twin, the day you opened gold framed doors.

It was beautiful, green, mossy, and damp.

Rose bushes framing the outer fence, a beautiful fountain streaming water from the center.

The pedals of naked ladies forming pools of rain.

It was peaceful, completely soothing.

"(Y/n)" you heard a voice behind you as a shadow cast its tall slender form over you.
you turned to its source.

Sabastian was standing motionless before you, his gold buttoned black suit crisply polished.

"Yes?" You asked questionably.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, bending his head down to you.

"A case agent is here to see you."
He spoke, a dead tone as if he where indecisive of how you would react.

"Oh..." You mumbled, turning back to the garden.

"Tell them to leave." You said, going back to your peaceful imagining.

He signed loudly.
"It's legal work, I simply cannot escort them away."

You looked down at your flats and back up to his form.

You nodded angered at his willingness to give you up.

You got up and headed to the dining hall and to the front door, sab trailing after.

When you arrived at the front, you stood stock still at the unopened door.

It wasn't as if you where afraid.. It was only a mystery to whom would be lurking behind the pine wood doorS.

You had always had problems with authority, especially social workers and protective services.

If there's one thing you hated about the system... Is that they never quite left you to yourself.

You rest your hand on the handle and slowly lift your head up to Sebastian.

He peered down at you, nodding once to reassure you as you pulled open the door.

"Miss (l/n)"
A women stood in front you, her face round and plump but her features soft and painted.

The women was curvy and looked upon you with light caring eyes.

"Yes? May I ask what you are present for?" You asked.

She signed, looking down to the floor then back up to you.

"Unfortunately the system will not allow you to live here with out guardian permission.. And as far as I'm concerned you aren't related to these people you are currently staying with."

You looked up at the women.

"What more do you want regarding permission. My only family is dead, how could they possibly disagree with what I'm doing."
You clenched your teeth.

Before she could speak again Jim came stomping down the stairs.

"What's the meaning of this?" He asked the women, noticing your upset features.

"None of your concern." The women spoke.

"Actually it very well is, as a resident
Of this house hold I have a right to know who is at my door upsetting my girlfriend."
He glared at the women as you blushed behind him.

"Mr, moriarty... (Y/n) douse not have permission to be here, so unfortunately we must have her come with us." She stepped in side.

"You have no warrant, you cannot enter my home." He clenched his teeth.

"Child protective services can, since (y/n)s not 18 yet."

Two men stepped out from no wear and entered, grabbing your arms as Jim stepped back.

He new any attempt to get you back was pointless now.

The men's grip on your arms where hard as if you where going to rip out of there grasps.

You looked to Jim and then jack who was slowly coming down the stairs.

The men gave you no time for goodbyes as they dragged you out the door.

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