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Genre: fluff
Relationship: boyfriends
Plot: In which Author Nim writes a cheesy post Christmas (??) fic about one of her favorite ships

A/N: i know some people want me to write smut and i will most likely soon...just give it some time :) enjoy!

(Minhos POV)

The middle of winter is always the coldest here in Canada. The air nice and crisp, grass frozen over, and cars with frost on them. I love it though. The comfort winter brings is really a blessing. Walking down the streets, hand in hand with your significant other, listening to their cheerful cries of wonder while looking at all the decorations, is one of the best things to ever witness in life. Listening to their laughter, listening to it ring in the air, is something so wonderful. Simply walking next to them, sharing the warmth between your bodies, is something not many people are able to imagine, not able to have for themselves. So as we walked down the street, our hands interlocked, bags in my free hand, I listened. Listened to their beautiful laughter. Listened to their gasps of awe. Listened.

(Authors POV)

Once the two boys had made it home and settled onto the couch with snacks and blankets, Hyunjin queued up Netflix. They had decided on 'How To Train Your Dragon' because that was the youngers favorite. Minho let Hyunjin curl up into his side and gave a fond smile at the sight of his cute boyfriend looking like a cuddly kitten. Right at that moment, Minho felt like the luckiest man alive. Knew that he would always be in love with the one next to him. That no one else in the world could make him feel the way Hyunjin did. He truly has, as people like to call it, found his soulmate. The person he will bound his life to for the rest of time.


Snow gently fell outside. Snowflakes so delicate and different in their own unique ways. As kitchen lights shut off, pattering of children's feet came to a halt, and homes went silent, in the middle of it all, was a house. A house that contained two boys. A house that held so much love in it. A house covered in warmth. A house that was always meant to hold such meaning within it the day it came to be.

This is what love truly feels like. Where you pour your heart and soul into someone. Where you share each other's happiness and sadness and everything in between. That was love. And this love will never die out. This love will be locked into each of their hearts the day they pass together.

hi loves~
how are you guys doing? is everyone doing okay with school? doing okay mentally? physically? these days it is best to focus on what really matters and that is you. it's hard and i understand. theres so much going on in today's world...horrible stuff mostly if im being honest- but what matters more than anything else is your mental and physical health. if anyone would like to talk about anything at all (even your cat for crying out loud) you are always welcome to pm me. please do not be afraid to if you feel like ranting to someone!! on a side note- i really hope you enjoyed this little short story :) i feel bad for being gone for so long but school is mentally exhausting and such a struggle?? i have hope that soon ill be able to update more regularly for you guys :] i think tomorrow ill post an update on my life and whats happening? would that be okay? anyways- i love you all~

Bye 🤍🤍
Word Count: 624

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