Seducing The Cop pt2

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Genre: Smut
Relationship: strangers (?)
Plot: Minho and Hyunjin FUCK LOL

A/N: the part two yall were asking for- enjoy...~

(Previously 👹)

Minho sat down on one of the seats, pulling Hyunjin onto his lap. Minho smiled at the smaller. Hyunjin blushed, looking down he saw his thighs and stomach covered in purple and blue marks. He saw how the older still had his clothes on. He could see the bulge of the older boy and felt bad because he already had most of clothes off. He fiddled with his fingers a bit before a finger lifted his chin up. Minho almost cooed at the sight in front him.

"If you don't want to continue, we don't have to sweets." Minho said as softly as he possibly could.

Hyunjin shook his head. "I want t-to continue."

Minho nodded before saying, "Well then, let's get this rolling, shall we?"

(Present 🦧)

Hyunjin bit his lip as he reached down to unzip Minhos pants. His hands were slightly shaking due to nerves, but he managed to successfully unbutton and unzip the elders' pants. Hyunjin then lifted himself up onto his knees to let Minho pull his pants down to his lower thighs. Hyunjin could see the stain of pre-come on his boxers. He was itching to get that cock inside of him once and for all.

"Like what you see hmm...?" Hyunjin blushed, but nodded, nonetheless. He needs it so bad. It's embarrassing to admit but he hasn't had sex in over 3 months. Hes just been so busy with being an officer and "fighting crime", that he hasn't had time to himself. This may not be an ideal situation, but he desperately needs this and if the other is willing to give him it then he will take whatever he can get.

Hyunjin looks up at the elder through his eyelashes, silently asking if he can take Minhos pants and boxers off the rest of the way. Minho gives him a mean smile but nods his head giving him the okay. Hyunjin shakily reaches down to his pants again and starts to pull them down the rest of the way. The other helps him in lifting up his hips for his boxers. Now all Minho had on was his shirt. 

Hyunjin felt a little out of place by being the only one still in his underwear, so he whined and pulled at the waistband, trying to tell the other he wanted them off. 

"Calm down. I'll take them off in a bit. I want you to do something for me first." Hyunjin silently cried in his head from being denied but listened anyways. The older gently pushed Hyunjin down into the little foot area in front of the seat. The younger knew what he wanted then. Hyunjin looked up and was met with the sultry gaze of the man he pulled over. The boy let out a shaky breath before reaching his hand out to grasp the other.

Minho let out a small gasp, encouraging the one on his knees to fully grab his dick. With his newly gained confidence, Hyunjin slowly pumped the older, gaining a nice rhythm that made the other let out noises every now and then. Minho cards his fingers into the boy's hair and tugs on the strands softly. The youngers breath hitches, making the older look at him with a slightly arched brow. 

"Does little Hyunjinnie like his hair pulled?" said boy whimpers in response. Minho smirks before tugging a bit harder which makes the bottom outright moan. Hyunjin bobs his head faster in response to the hair pulling. Gosh, does he enjoy it so much. Minho releases a sigh and bucks his hips slightly when the younger swipes his tongue over the head.

"Ah...that sinful tongue of yours baby...gonna make me cum faster than I would like." Hyunjin groans before he slowly pulls off of the elders' length. He continues to pump him though as he looks up again to face the others lust filled eyes.

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