Minhos Bakery~~fluff

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(Authors POV)

It was a chilly winter day in Seoul. The air was crisp and the sky was cloudy. There was only a few people who were walking on the sidewalks, whilst most were in their cars thriving for the heat. Hyunjin was one of the few that decided to walk today. He loved the chilly weather that winter brought every year. He loved how pretty the snow made everything look even if there was trash all over the big city. His favorite part though has to be all of the different smells he would get when walking down his favorite little street.

It was a small street that had tiny little shops all right next to each other. There was flower shops, stationary shops, clothes shops, and his favorite out all of them, bake shops. He loved the smells that would escape from the doors whenever someone opened them to escape the cold or have to go back out into it. He did however, have a certain favorite shop that was on this street. He went to it every day during the winter, as it was only open then. Even if he was sick, he would still go out and walk to this special shop. Why is it so special you may ask? Well the shop owner is his best friend. They have known each since they were out of the womb.

He continued walking down the sidewalk of that little street until he came to his destination. The name of this very bakery was called 'Conexion De Confection' which translates to 'Confection Connection'. The reason the name is in French is because the owner has always wanted to go to France. He's always wanted to see what it would look like, especially during the winter time. Hyunjin wanted to make his wish come true.

Hyunjin opened up the door, listening to the little jingle the bell made. He looked around and saw that the place was fairly busy. He smiled at how happy all the people looked and wished he could join them. He waved and gave a dazzling smile to people he knew. He walked up to the counter ringing the bell. He watched how people ate the baked goods with delight, he watched how people sipped their drinks, melting at the warmth it provided.

He was startled when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw his favorite person standing behind him on the other side of the counter, giggling at the reaction the younger had. Hyunjin smiled before speaking up.

"Hyung..How are you?" He said while staring at the older with a look in his eyes that nobody could describe.

"I'm good Jinnie. What about you?"

The older reached over the counter to grab Hyunjins hands but pulled back due to the sudden coldness that came in contact with his very own skin.

"Yah! Hwang Hyunjin! What did I tell you about walking here! You're gonna get sick and I'm gonna have to take care of you're lazy ass!"

Lee Minho. The person who truly cared about Hyunjin but never liked to show it. He grabbed ahold of the tallers arm and brought him behind the counter and took him to the back. He brought him in the kitchen and in there he started to make a warm cup of hot chocolate, making it the way he always made it for the younger. Hyunjin loved going into the kitchen. It was so cozy but busy. The professional bakers were scurrying about trying to make more sweets as more and more people were entering the little shop.

Hyunjin wished he could work here, but if he tried to bake anything the whole place would go down in flames. So he stuck with dance. His dream is to become a professional dancer and instructor. He wants to be able to teach children how to dance so then they can become big stars one day. Minho was a dancer as well, a really good one to be exact, but he only danced when the bakery was closed. Which was during the summer. Hyunjin pulled himself up so then he was sitting on the counter next to the machine Minho was at, making a coffee for a customer.

This place was one of the only places that made him happy. He loved the atmosphere it gave off. Minho said that he always wanted to open up his own bakery when he was older. He said that he would work hard to get it done. And he did. He opened up this cute popular shop that tons of people love. Hyunjin watched as Minho finished up the coffee order and gave it to an employee. He then watched him go back over to the hot cocoa machine and take his mug from it before walking back to him.

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