Happy Halloween

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Genre: Fluff
Relationship: Best Friends
Plot: In which Hyunjin and Minho decorate their dorm and bake treats for spooky season

A/N: Hope you enjoy! More notes at the end!!

(Minho's POV)

Why the hell is it so cold outside. I'm seriously going to punch Hyunjin when I get back. Can't believe he had the audacity to make ME go out in the freezing weather to grab his halloween decorations. What a lazy ass. Just couldn't get out of bed cause he was, and I quote in his own words, "I'm too tired minnie...you go get them!" The things I do for this child.

(Authors POV)

Eventually, Minho got back with all kinds of halloween decorations and treats to bake with his best friend. "Yo Hyunjin get off the couch and come help me. This shit is heavy!" The aforementioned rolled his eyes but got up anyway with a smile and helped his hyung. "Thank you Minnie! I'm so excited!!" Minho smiled, but it was almost unnoticeable. "Yeah yeah..now what are we doing first?"

Hyunjin and Minho spent the next few hours decorating their dorm. They had spider webs and pumpkins and just so many decorations. The dorm did look really good. "Hyung! This looks so cool ahhhh!!" Hyunjin was jumping around while smiling. The sight was enough to bring an actual smile to Minho's face and laugh along with his friend. "It looks amazing Jinnie..good job." Hyunjin blushed at the praise, not noticing the little smirk the older had.

"Minnie let's bake the cookies now!" Hyunjin dragged the older to their small kitchen and got out all of the ingredients they would need for the cookies. "Okay so 2 eggs, oil, flour..." Minho watched as Hyunjin made sure they had all the ingredients, finding the pout on his face absolutely adorable. "Want me to go get a bowl and some spoons?" Hyunjin smiled and nodded at the older letting out a small 'Yes please!'.

One by one each ingredient was added until they were left with a nice rich, chocolate cookie dough. Hyunjin had added some marshmallows and bat sprinkles to give a so-called "spooky vibe". Minho thought it was a cute. "Okay and in they go for about 15-20 minutes." Hyunjin started the timer as Minho put the cookies in the oven. After, they cleaned everything up and sat with each other at their table. "Thank you once again hyung! I'm sorry i made you go out and buy everything," he continued, "But I'm so glad we were able to spend the day decorating for halloween!!" The older smiled gently and pulled the younger up for a hug. Hyunjin was so warm and soft, he could never get tired of his hugs. "I had fun today too Jinnie. And don't worry about making me go out and buy everything..it's not a big deal."

The cookies were done and both boys were sitting on their couch watching Corpse Bride, their all time favorite movie. Minho was so invested in the movie he didn't notice the younger crying beside him. A couple minutes later the movie had ended and that's when the former heard little sniffles from beside him. He looked over and saw that his friends eyes were red rimmed and his nose was running. "Jinnie- are you actually crying??" Hyunjin slapped the orders arm and pouted. "You know I always cry during this movie hyung! Stop being so mean!!" Minho chuckled and pulled the boy closer to him, hugging him from the side. "I'm just teasing you Jin...such a cutie." Hyunjin whined, but snuggled closer to his friend. 'So warm' he thought. "You tired?" The younger nodded and Minho smiled before getting comfortable as well. "Sleep well Jinnie...make sure you dream about me!" Hyunjin slapped him but had a smile on nonetheless.

hey 😏
SISHJS IM SO BAD AKXJSN SORRY FOR BEING GONE AHHHH- school is so stressful man 😪 okay so i'm pretty sure we've all heard about what happened with a certain someone in skz and i will clarify that he will no longer be in any of my books. i won't delete the oneshots that include him because, well, i've worked hard i guess and i just don't want to lose those. hope you understand! also the oneshot "Just Kids" that i posted like a month ago..I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED- IM SUCH A DUMBASS AKXUSN but i hope you enjoyed this halloween chapter! make sure you stay safe out there and happy halloween! 👻🎃

Bye ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Word Count: 760

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