Wheres Hyungie~~Fluff

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Contains little space
If you are not comfortable with that then don't read
(Minhos POV)

It was 8 in the morning. I just finished getting ready because I was gonna head out to the dance studio to fix up some parts of the choreography. I looked over at the bed and saw my baby still sleeping. Gosh he looks so adorable all wrapped up in the blankets. I went over and gave him a kiss on the head. "Goodbye Hyunjinnie. I'm going to the practice room to dance a bit. I'll be back soon." I was trying really hard to talk gently to prevent him from waking up. "I love you baby." and with that I left.

The walk to the studio was about 5 minutes. After arriving, I went to the practice room that was meant for Stray Kids. I usually like to stretch before I start dancing so that's what I did. I put on the song Attention by Charlie Puth to warm up my dancing. After that was done I put on Miroh because I needed to fix some parts.

(Authors POV)

Hyunjin rolled over to the side that Minho usually sleeps on. He was expecting a body next to him to cuddle with but all he got was air. He instantly shot straight up. "M-minho hyung?" he called voice cracking a bit. When he got no answer back he started freaking out a little. He got up and looked in the bathroom. Maybe he was just showering. When he saw no sign of the older he began to cry. He was thinking of all the kinds of bad things that could've happened. What if he got hit by a car. What if someone kidnapped him. W-what if he left me? That got Hyunjin to full on sob. He slowly slipped into little space. He looked so vulnerable.

The members were all in the living room watching TV together and laughing. It was until Chan heard little sniffles coming from the hallway that he told everyone to be quiet. "What is it Channie?" Woojin asked (🥺) "I think I hear someone crying..?" he said unsure. Chan got up and walked towards the hall that leads to all of the rooms. He looked down towards the bathroom and saw a small figure shaking in front of the bathroom, all curled up in a ball. He instantly ran over to him and picking him up. He knew what was happening. He knew that Hyunjin was a little.

Chan brought Hyunjin out into the living and sat down in the couch with the younger in his arms as he continued sobbing. "I-I want daddy.." Hyunjin said hiccuping. The members were all confused but slowly they realized what was happening. "D-did he w-weave m-me for swomeone bwetter?" Hyunjin asked looking so small. "No Hyunjinnie, Minho just went to the practice room to work on choreography." the youngest of the 8 said. Hyunjin started crying not listening to anything. "Guys can someone call Minho please. He's never gonna stop unless he's here." Chan said looking at the boys. Changbin got up and said he would. He grabbed his phone and dialed the olders number.

"Yes Changbin" Minho said sounding frustrated. "Dude, why would you fucking leave your boyfriend knowing he's a little." "What? Is he okay?" he said sounding worried. "I mean other than him sobbing his heart out, who knows, but we need you to come home and comfort him." Changbin said annoyed at the olders stupidity. "Okay I'm on my way." Minho ended the call and put on his winter jacket and ran out of the practice room to go to his baby. Hyunjin started screaming. Everyone was frustrated. They all wanted to claw their ears off. "WHERE IS MY DADDY!!" "Hyunjin please calm down." Felix said exhausted, "He's gonna be here any second." "I WANT HWIM NOWWWWW!!!" The members were gonna beat the shit out of Minho when he came back.

Right as Hyunjin screamed Minho came rushing through the door, worried about all of the screaming he was hearing. He ran into the living after taking his stuff off only to find Hyunjin throwing a tantrum. 'Oh my god' thought the older. He quickly went over to the younger and picked him up, ignoring the glares that were sent his way. "S-sorry everyone. I thought he would be fine. He's been doing better but I guess today wasn't his day." Minho said sheepishly. They all nodded and went off in their separate ways. Minho, still holding the crying younger, brought them into their shared bedroom. He sat on the bed with Hyunjin in his lap.

"Baby..." Hyunjin looked up. He stopped crying when he saw his daddy. "D-daddy! Y-you are h-home!!" the younger squealed while hugging the older. Minho couldn't help but coo at his little. Although he was a bit upset at the way Hyunjin acted he still hugged his baby boy. "Hyunjin...why did you act like that? We are already stressed enough with the comeback approaching, I don't think the members, especially Chan, needed all of that to deal with." the older said, tone soft. Hyunjin looked down, tears in his eyes. "I sowwy d-daddy.. Hyunjinnie didn't mwean i-it." the little said feeling ashamed. "Oh baby it's okay. I know you didn't mean any harm. I should've waited till you were awake before I left or even ask if you wanted to come along. I'm sorry baby." "I-it's okay!" Hyunjin said feeling a bit better.

The taller one of the two yawned, scrunching up his nose. Minho smiled at how cute his baby was. "Tried baby?" he teased. "Mhmmm..." Minho chuckled. "Let's take a nap then. And I promise this time I will be by your side when you wake up." he said sticking out his pinky finger. The younger glady took it in his own. They fell back on the bed, cuddling together under the blankets. Minho kisses Hyunjin on the lips loving the way they felt on his own. He kissed him awhile before he pulled away smiling at how cute the little was. "Goodnight baby boy." "Nighty night hyungie." Hyunjin said slowly falling into a deep slumber, wrapped in Minhos arms.

And with that, both boys fell asleep, exhausted after the day they both had.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I've been updating a lot because I felt bad for not updating for that long period of time. I'm not really good at little space but I REALLY wanted to write one because I can't seem to find any of Hyunho. Sad times really. When I was writing about Minho dancing to Miroh, Miroh actually came on so I was a bit freaked out not gonna lie lol. Now I'm jamming to YAYAYA. Verse Two bitches. Sorry I feel weird right now. Anywho I'll probably update tomorrow or later tonight if I can.
Word Count: 1171

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