Love Letters~~fluff

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Requested by @HEARTLIXIES
I Hope you enjoy this!!
(Hyunjins POV)

Why does he have to look so beautiful ? Why does he have to look like he got pulled from a manga? Why does he have to be perfect? Why can't he be normal? Because of him I feel all these types of emotions every day. I can't think straight while thinking of him let alone being in the same room. He stole my heart and it's unfair. I can't help staring at him. Math class is already difficult with all the problems and what not, but having your crush in the class as well is a whole different story. He sits a few seats in front of me off to my left. This is the only class I have where I can look at him without having to turn around. Even from behind he looks fantastic. He's just majestic looking and he steals m-

"Hyunjin can you tell me what I just said?" Shit. This is what I was talking about. He steals my attention from what's really important.

"I-I ummm...y-you said t-that..umm.." I couldn't stop was so embarrassing. I looked over to Minho and he was staring at me dead in the eye. I looked down feeling the heat rushing to my face. Gosh I'm making a fool of myself..

"I-I don't know Ms. Kim.." I lowered my head after seeing the look of disappointment in her eyes. I was the best student. But this goddamn boy is keeping me from doing well.

"I expected better from you Mr. Hwang. Pay attention in class please."

"Y-yes Ms. Kim." I looked at my textbook trying to avoid all the stares going my way. I can't wait to get out of this class.

Finally math is over! I ran out of the class to avoid being scolded by the teacher. It was lunch time. During this time I usually go into the art room to calm myself and listen to music while painting. I sat at my table, looking at the painting I made of the cherry blossom tree that was behind the school in the field. It was my favorite tree. The different shades of pinks were beautiful. It reminded me of Minho. I really liked him. I think you could even call it love. His smile makes me smile. His laugh makes me laugh. His happiness makes me happy. I've liked him for over two years now. It's hard keeping these emotions in. I've wanted to confess to him before, but it never worked out. He's never alone. Always surrounded by his "fans".

I have this letter. I made it awhile ago. It's me confessing to Minho. I realized that I won't ever be able to do it with words. So I made this love letter, telling him how much I love him. Lately I've been thinking. I've been thinking that sooner or later he's gonna find out about my crush on him. That's why I decided that I would confess to him. Today. At the cherry blossom tree. With my letter. Cause I'm a scaredy-cat. I look at the note in my hands, reading it and tweaking it up a bit. I put it back in my pocket, satisfied with how it came out. Now I just need to get him to meet me at the tree. I grabbed a piece of paper and folded it up into a little flower. I wrote a little note in it before closing it up.

Now was the perfect time to slip it into his locker. I walked out of the room and to his locker, making sure no one was around before slipping it in. I then walked into the lunch room sitting down at a table alone in the way back. I don't usually eat at school so I got some homework and worked on it. The rest of the day went by slowly. Me silently dreading after school.

(Minhos POV)

Ugh finally school is over. What's even the point of going to this hell? It's useless and the teachers barely even teach you stuff. It's annoying. The only great part about it is this one boy. If I'm being honest I only go to school because of him and I have most classes with him. He's an angel sent from heaven. I will hurt anyone who hurts him. He's too precious. A little baby.

I walk to my locker with my friends, blocking out what they are saying. I open up my locker noticing a little paper fall out of it. I pick it up and see it in the shape of a flower. Cute. I unfold it very carefully and see writing inside.

"Meet me at the cherry blossom tree after school"

Interesting. It would be rude to not show up. I grab my things before heading out to the back of the school and to the field. When I walk out I see a figure standing next to it. They were tall, had short hair, and looked fidgety. I made my way over to the person, shocked at who was standing there.

(Authors POV)

Hyunjin was a mess. He was finally gonna confess to his crush after years. He was so glad that he had that note or else he would probably end up having a breakdown. He kept looking at the school doors anxiously. Then he saw him. He saw his crush come walking towards him. He freaked out for a second before trying to pull himself together. Once Minho was in front of him he didn't know what to do. He was shaking and sweating a bit.

"Hey. Clam down. It's okay."

He looked up at Minho when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder. He gulped and pulled the note out of his pocket handing it to the boy in front of him. Minho took it, their fingers brushing against each other's. Minho unfolded the note before silently reading it to himself.

Dear Minho hyung,
Ahh..I don't know what's going on. I have something really important to tell you but it's hard for me to do so that's why I wrote you this letter. I really like you hyung. No. I love you hyung. I have for years. I love everything about you. They way you laugh. The way you smile. The way you talk. The way you dance. They way you walk. I love everything. I love how fluffy your hair looks. I could go on and on about all the things I love about you hyung, but I'm afraid I would scare you. I mean I probably already did with the way I just said how much I loved your everything. Heh..sorry. You know..I've tried to confess to you multiple times before. You know how somtimes I would ask to talk to you? Then when we were alone in the hallway I was gonna do it but then all your little "fans" came and ruined it. I probably sound so stupid right now but it's been ruining me not telling you how I feel. I've kept these emotions inside for so long that I knew I was gonna burst one day. So here I am. Writing this letter to you instead of telling you with my own words. I know it's a dumb move but I would've started crying. Hah. You don't have to return the feelings. I get it. I'm not the prettiest person but I just really needed to tell you. So thank you. Thank you for reading this and taking the time out your day for someone useless like me.

Minho looked up at the younger and saw the redness on his face. He smiled softly before pulling the boy into a hug. Hyunjin was shocked but wrapped his arms around Minhos neck. He instantly fell in love with the older boys hugs. Hyunjin sighed while he stuck his face in the crook of Minhos neck loving the smell. Minho felt Hyunjin relax in his arms and he chuckled quietly hugging the boy tighter. Eventually they pulled away and Minho spoke up.

"Jinnie. I've always liked you. Since middle school. And you're not useless. You mean so much to people. You're also beautiful don't let anybody tell you otherwise." Hyunjin was shocked. He never would've expected that.

"O-oh.." he was speechless.

Minho smiled before pulling the younger closer again not wanting to let him go. Minho looked at the boy in his arms. Pretty was all that came to his mind. He then looked at his mole under his eye. Cute. Then his nose. Adorable. And lastly his lips. Kissable. He licked his own before slowly moving towards the youngers face. Hyunjin wanted this too. Soon Minho stopped, their noses touching. He made sure Hyunjin wanted this before pushing his lips against the others. Both boys melted at the feeling. They waited so long for this moment.

"I love you hyung."

"I love you too Hyunjin."

I'm actually really proud of this not gonna lie. Also if anyone else wants to make requests you can. I really liked writing this. I hope you enjoyed this! Like I said I'll try updating more often. I did stuff after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays so it was kinda hard to update. But now here I am! Also after this week I have Christmas break so I'll make sure to update then!
Word Count: 1594

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