When a random person hits on their bf/gf

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A/N: sorry humans I've been very busy with "IR's Recruits" and "Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons' 3rd Attack" recently but I'm glad to say that this has finally gotten an update!

⬆️ totally wasn't written 10 seconds before publishing:)

Scott: flirts with Marion more, making the person more uncomfortable and them leave.

Kiara: glares angrily at them before murdering them with help from lily and hiding all evidence they existed.

Marion: yells her ass off at the person flirting with Scott.

Lily: stares at them blankly, knowing kiara would help murder them later

Conrad: probably just stares at them since he already knows their fate. It ends at the tip of Jackie's blade

John: shyly asks the person to leave, before asking Jackie if he wants to murder someone.

Ali: glare the fuck out of the person who was flirting with James, while kissing, cuddling and squeezing James' ass.

Jackie: .... do we even need to discuss what this murderous bitch would do if someone tried to flirt with his boyfriend/husband (depending on when set).

James: (with help from Jackie) murders them, no one flirts with Ali and gets away with it.

Ridley: pulls John away.

Virgo: would happily punch theme in the face then proceed to make out with Xavier making them leave.

Virgil: glare, flirt, walk. It.

Xavier: would also punch them in the face and proceed to make out with Virgo, he is his boyfriend after all

Steven: tries to find Virgil.

Gordon: tells terrible jokes to make the person leave Penny alone.

Georgia: also tortures the stupid person that tried to flirt with Nate.

Penelope: acts all offended, knowing what Gordon & Georgia are planning.

Nate: "eyes off what you can't have"

Joe: does fuck all, knowing that Soph hates being flirted with, other than when it's him doing the flirting, the people flirting were killed and their bodies were never found.

Alan: shyly asks them to leave, if the person says no, then a fight starts and ends when Soph pulls out her daggers.

Soph: killed them, no one was left alive. Then pulls a cute face and gets a kiss.

Adam: "you won't last long with her, she's very high maintenance, but I love her for it!"

Angelina: "Nah I have a boyfriend, besides, you'll be sick of me within ten seconds!"

Jess: "sorry we're lesbians, you have no chance!"

Ava: tazors them then hides with Jess.

-Mayhem 💜💙😈

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