Movie Night

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like PsychoticAlienJackie 's 'Movie Night fell on a birthday' in this amazing author's one-shots book so if you want it twice as funny go read it!

"Movie night my turn to chose!" Alan shouted throwing open the door to the cinema room "not unless I beat you there!" Sophie said tripping him up "what's it gonna be Soph? Harry Snotter again?" Adam teased "well last time it was the goblet of fire now the order of the phoenix!" She said looking for the exact movie "Sophia get down!" Jeff sighed "oooo full name treatment hu? Your in for it!" Alan teased "Don't you start Alleonieous!" Jeff told him "I asked for that!" He sulked "Adam where are the others?" Jeff asked his youngest son "not a clue! Well, the Gingerbread Triplets are still up on 5!" He replied "ok and the twins?" He asked "Smother twins; probably smothering the terror twins, Nurse twins; teasing one another, terror twins; pranking or swimming!" He told his dad "I'll go find them" Jeff said as he wondered out of the cinema room. (30 minutes later) "found the nurse twins!" Jeff said shooing Virgil and Virgo inside the cinema room. "why do we have to be hear?" Virgo groned he was always the most grumpy of the two. "oh its movie night! who's choosing?" Virgil asked, "Sophie already chose Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix!" Alan replied he wasn't much of a Harry Potter fan but Sophie loved them! she'd read all the books twice and watched all the films 100+ times easy! "why does she get to chose?" Kiara asked dragging Scott by his foot. "because I got hear first!" Sophie boasted from her purple beanbag Kiara sat on the sofa behind Sophie who had already started the film. less than 5 minutes in the drama started when Kiara decided she was bored and decided to tip Sophie out her neon purple beanbag and onto the floor! "Kiara!" Sophie moaned "what I'm bored?" she replied "sleep or watch the movie!" Jeff butted in "fine!" she sulked. Then 5 minutes later Kiara was annoying Sophie again! This time she had kicked off her boots and had put her feet on Sophie's head! "bigfoot!" Sophie told her as she pushed Kiara's huge feet off her head! "if you want a smelly foot contest then it's on!" Sophie told Kiara "ok then!" Kiara said and shoved her foot in Sophie's face"Kiara stop it!" Jeff demanded, "Kiara that's rotten!" Scott told her but it didn't stop her the only thing would be to split them up and after another 15 minutes of teasing Jeff just had to butt in "right I've had enough Kiara swap with Scott!" Jeff told them and Scott immediately gut up and pulled Kiara off the sofa! "gah! Scott you ugly little shit!" she shouted "aww I love you too sis!" he replied sitting in her seat and just smiling at her! "You will pay for that later!" She growled sitting next to him.
By half way though they were all asleep! Scott was cuddling Kiara who was curled up in a ball with her head on his chest. Virgil and Virgo were both on the floor with blankets and pillows and were facing away from each other. Kayo was at the back of the room near Jeff they were both sound asleep about 3ft away from one another. Then Gordon and Georgina were cuddling each other (awwww) Georgie was purring like a cat and Gordo was snoring if you could call it that. Sophia, Adam and Alan were huddled together (more accurately piled on to of one another) on the beanbags at the front and Jess was curled up on Jeff's lap like a dog!

Wow tow updates in less than an hour I'm impressed with myself!

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