Matchmaker p3

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"Hey Virgil can you help me with something it's just I need an artist's opinion on something?" Sophie asked "sure thing Soph." Virgil said as he stood up and followed her "why we heading down to the hanger?" He asked she had to think fast "because it's a birthday present for someone and if I kept it in the art and music room then they would find it and they would know so it's down hear to keep it secret!" She smirked "ok..." he replied something wasn't right and he knew it but what was it? He was pulled from his thoughts when Sophie pulled him into the infirmary then tripped him up and ran away closing the door behind her and locking it shut! "Sophia get back hear!" He screamed "no can do sorry Virge" she laughed and ran off "ok well I can get around that!" He thought and entered the code 31052010 "INVALIDED CODE" came a voice "DAM YOU SOPHIA!!!" He shouted. About 15 minutes later he herds voices and footsteps, not Sophie though but Adam and Virgo? "Told you!" Adam shouted as the door opened "told you what?" Virgil asked "that you were down hear!" Adam replied "fine then" Virgo said in a bad mood slumping beside his twin on the floor "have fun guys" Adam laughed as he walked off "gonna explain?" Virgil asked "I asked where you were and Adam said you were in the infirmary and I told him that I would spend the night in the infirmary with you if he was right and he was so hear we are-" he explained "oh Sophie said she wanted an artists's option on something and lured me down hear!" Virgil said "wait do you think there setting us up with someone?" Virgo suddenly realised "better not be!" Virgil replied as they herd engines taking off "so there's ether been a shout or they're gonna go get whoever they've set us up with" Virgo guessed and sure enough a matter of minutes later

(45 to be exact) there were voices outside and not ones that they could recognise easily well two were obviously it was Sophie and Adam what were they up to? Had dad told them to let them out or something? "There in there" Sophie said the twins looked at one another in shear fear they knew what Sophie was capable of being world champion for kickboxing and holding a world record for speed climbing! Adam opened the door and gestured for the two best friends to come in Virgo and Virgil instantly used each other to get up and tidy up themselves as a short male walked in Virgil's college crush Steven or Steve for short and a much taller male Xavier Virgo's crush. "Sophie what about food and water?" Virgil asked he had to shut Virgo's mouth because it was wide open when Xavier walked in. "Look at the fridge dumass" she replied then shut the door and walked off!
(24 hours later)
"They only just told me" Jeff said as he walked into the infirmary completely unaware they his forth son was making out with his boyfriend "I'm not gonna bother." Jeff said and walked off leaving the door open to let the for of them walk out when they wanted to.

P4 is on it's way now gimme about 45 mins and it should be done (if my mum doesn't make me do school work!)! -Mayhem😈

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