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Scott&Marion: short but sweet. Whether it's a quick peck before rushing off to save the world or a slightly longer kiss good night the smallest kisses mean the most to them.

Kiara&Lilly: good morning kisses. So what if they've both got morning breath? Lilly loves nothing more than to wake up on Kiara, pull a funny face and get a kiss.

John: Suprise kisses. Ridley often grabs the front of his spacesuit to pull him into a kiss and to shut him up.

James&Ali: when James randomly turns up on TB5 Ali usually has her nose in a book so he will turn up in her room and surprise hug and kissing her neck causing her to laugh it him.

Jackie&Conrad: Conrad being much shorter than Jackie kissing is hard. But they've found a solution! Jackie will scoop up Lia and pull Conrad for a hug and kiss them both on top of their heads, causing both to laugh!

Virgo&Xavier: probably the lest romantic couple out of the whole family, they don't kiss or cuddle much just being close to one another is their way of showing affection.

Virgil&Steven: also surprise kisses. When Steven is working on something Virgil will randomly hug him from behind and bury his face in Steven's hair.

Gordon&Penelope: kisses on the beach. After a long day of rescues, they sit back and relax kissing and cuddling on the beach

Nate&Georgia: underwater kisses. Hey, it's the curse of the squids! Nate will often pull Georgia under the water and kiss her only braking the Kiss to head up for air.

Alan&Kayo: space kisses. Upside Down in TB3 in zero gravity.

Sophia&Joe: upside down or after a hard climb. Sophia will often wander around on the ceiling which she can do with ease thanks to the spikes she can add and remove with ease.
After a hard climb, they will admire the view (usually a sunset on Tracy island) while kissing and cuddling each other.

Jess&Ava: after a long walk with the dogs. Often lying on the bonnet/hood of Thunderbird Paw watching the dogs run around burning up the last of their energy, the girl's lye there kissing and cuddling one another.

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