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That's Angelina at the top btw👆
This is more abut Adam's girlfriend/crush Angelina. She is based of my best friend CripplingJane she is so grate for support!
"Dude quit staring at Angelina!" Alan hissed "but can you see why, she's so pretty!" Adam replied. He and Alan sat one row back from Sophie, who sat next to her best friend and Adam's crush Angelina Duncan. Her light brown hair was just about shoulder length and her blue eyes shone according to Adam. The bell rang for the end of the lesson and the 4 15 year olds walked out of the lab and down to the Maths department, they met up with the exact group they were hoping to avoid Angelina's ex Sam and his mindless minions according to Sophie she had already beat the shit out of him three times how meany more times will it take for him to learn or maybe it will just take one of Jackie's rants to make him leave them alone. Everyone at school were either in love with the Tracy's or were afraid of them mostly Sophie and the one person who could scare the shit out of Sophie was Jackie when he was mad NEVER IN ANY SITUATION TALK TO A PISSED OF JACKIE BECUSE IT WOULD BE THE LAST THING YOU EVER DO!!!! "Hey Sam you heading to maths or are you looking to get beat up again?" Sophie asked Sam. Adam caught on pretty quick what Sophie was getting at "you know what happens if we get into another fight hear!" Adam hissed. "Walk away Sophie, don't rise to it!" Alan said "use some common sense hear Sophie and let him be an idiot!" Angelina said putting her hand on Adam's shoulder making him blush "you three don't need the trouble or him finding out abut your work so let's scram" she added "Tracys', Angelina someone wants to speak to you they're waiting in reception." The woman said "ok thanks miss C" 'this is just what we need to get them away from Sam and his mindless morons' she thought "let's go to reception then!" Alan said dragging Sophie Adam and Angelina followed behind. They stopped just in front of the reception doors in shock "hi guys!" Jackie said with a grin "what are you doing hear? You hate people and social shit in general!" Sophie asked "well picking up Conrad and dad asked me to steel you guys from school along with Angelina" he explained "me?" Angelina asked confused "yeah unless they got the wrong Angelina? Adam girlfriend right?" He asked "not girlfriend, good friend yess but girlfriend no!" She replied in shock "well with the amount of flirting you were doing I can see how he thought you were together!" Sophie teased that errant a scowl from Angelina, a punch in the arm from Adam and a smirk from Alan. "Get in the car then!" He demanded "the's room for 3 in the back and 3 in the front so someone is sharing with Conrad 'cause I'm driving! And I'm not being the ref so sort it out between your selves but do it quickly!" He added "well we can't split up the love birds either set! So it's between me and Alan." Sophie explained "rock, paper scissors for the front seat?" Alan asked "sure!" She replied "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!" They said in unison "NOOOOOO!!!" Alan screamed "YAAASSS!!!!" Sophie screamed "THE PAIR OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" Jackie yelled Conrad collapsed in a fit of laughter. "I get front seat!!" Sophie shouted and opened the door "fuck you sis!" Alan cursed "love you too bro" she teased as she pulled open the door and sat next to Conrad "shut the door sis!" Jackie demanded just as she shut the door. And she gave him a scowl but they can't stay mad at each other for long and soon bused out laughing! "I still don't understand you Tracys!" Conrad said shanking his head as Sophie and Jackie continued laughing at one another for no apparent reason then Alan piped up "hey Conrad if you wanna marry Jackie then that's something you should know he has this random thing where he suddenly busts out laughing and Sophie does it to!" He said "ALAN!!!" Jackie shouted as he reached back to slap his brother but missed! "Right now stop and get us to Lady P's place" Adam said grabbing Jackie's wrist and twisting it back to the driver's seat "fine but fist sign of trouble and you're walking!" He threatened "Sophie out!" Alan said "what did you do?" Jackie asked "nearly got into another fight." Sophie said "what another?" Conrad asked "what's your record for keeping out of fights?" Jackie asked "er three months give or take a day or two?" She responded "let's go already!" Adam yelled from the back seat.
Done! Writers block and other shit is to blame.
I've got a rough idea for a group chat so I'll hopefully update that
Any ideas on what you want to happen in the grandparents requests welcome if you've got the ideas as I haven't
Same for any one-shots spill!
Gimme some thing to do!
Ok I've lost it
Bey Mayhem😈

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