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Note: flirting most of the way through 15+ basically
And Joe⬆️

Sophie flopped face-first onto her bed. She was exhausted! Mount Everest 3 times, Snowden twice and a 5-hour long search and rescue around the Himalayas! Joe laughed at how tired his girlfriend was. "What's so funny?" She asked looking up towards him "you when you're tired!" He responded sometimes he hated his inability to lye but Sophie loved it. And the part that he loved the most about her was her back. He began running his finger down her slightly crooked spine. He would never do this when she was standing up as she would be in agony! "What are you doing?" She asked playfully "just admiring the most beautiful part of the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!" He replied "my back?" She asked confused "you bet!" He replied, "but Joe my spine is crooked and my skin is coved in scars!" She told him "and that's why I love it! It reminds me of all you've done for your family and friends, all the sacrifices you've made!" He told her. "My back isn't the only part of me like is it?" She asked, kissing him, understanding what she meant he kissed her back "of course not!" He replied, "well what else do you like?" She asked, "let me see, there's your big brown eyes, that turn purple when you use your magic, wow I can get lost in them any day!" He told her "Ok then!" She said sitting in his lap "then there's your gorgeous long brown hair! I would stroke it all day if you'd let me!" He told her "and-" but she didn't get to finish because her communicator started buzzing telling her that it was an emergency "this conversation isn't over!" She told him answering the call "Sophie we've got a parachute jumper gone missing and we need your experience in ropes and knots to untangle him!" Ali told her "F.A.B. I'm on my way!" She replied and ran off.

Ooh dis is short but its the best I can think of so live with it 'movie night!' will be published in a little while so check your notifications often!

GA Madness Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora