Their names and meanings

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If it's not right for your OC(s) then let me know and I'll change it but enjoy! some of these I laughed my ass off!!

Scott: Scott is a legendary ass motherfucker! If someone named Scott comes to your place you know shit is about to get real. Scotts are normally much cooler than other averagely-named people such as Ross, JOHN, Dakota and all of those other lame names! 

Kiara: A beautiful girl with a gorgeous personality (funny, kind, sweet etc) She is everything u want in a Friend, BestFriend and Girlfriend. Kiara is such a lovely person & will always cheer u up when you're sad and she always makes u laugh. She is & she would be the coolest person once u meet her, she makes many friends and everyone has to LOVE being around her. altho it seems like she has a hard personality, she is very excitable as she wears her pride (she has a fair bit) & trusts too many people sometimes. She always tries to be kind and to help others as much as she can but she is very energetic along with lazy. She gives the best advice ever so u should always go to her for help, in whatever situation she will be there. Even tho she is a sweet-hearted person she also doesn't care and let's life throw anything at her, always looking for fun, Kiara tends to get in trouble for taking chances and trying new things since she is very adventurous and daredevil-y, she always stands up for what she believes in & she is not afraid to put up a fight. Be careful tho, break her heart and she will never, she may forgive u but she will NEVER let it go. She is also very pretty, smart and intelligent, and the one thing u HAVE to love about her, is her smile, her slime lights up the room & u just want to start smiling. She is shy at first and weird but she's just a perfect person and an all-round laugh!

John: John is infinite and multi-faceted. He is generally a level headed person but when he comes and is compelled to make a decision that's when things get. John is tall has ginger hair and a tan, perfect skin and blue/green eyes that hold many secrets. John has great legs and nice muscles. John is a kind compassionate individual. He is a man of complete integrity and manners. He is a man of little words, believing that his actions will speak louder than words. He has a dynamic. He is strong, handsome, sexy and beautiful. He is intelligent, funny, loyal, trustworthy, full of charisma, loving, teasing, sweet and thoughtful. John always likes to plan and think ahead for the most part. John strives to do things for the better, hardly selfish and loves his family. He leads a very intense life and proves himself in doing so. A guy that is outgoing and friendly. Everyone knows of him but he keeps very few close friends. Shy and quiet but usually willing to open up to you when you get to know him and he knows he can trust you. Then he can tell you what is on his mind and can be very emotional which does bring about his true feelings. John has a playful side to him when he feels with someone that he befriends. He can then be a total! Once you befriend John he will be your friend for life. He is loved more than he'll ever realize.

Alison: A who doesn't know how beautiful she is. She's shy, but once you get to know her, you'll be glad you did. Has her own style. Is just herself, and won't change anything about herself for anyone else. She is nearly impossible; she can't ever make up her mind. All the boys that know her, fall for her.....hard. And when she falls, she falls hard and has a tough time getting back up. Someone who cares about everyone else before herself, even though she's the one the most help. Has been through a, but brushes herself off and puts on a smile every day:) Someone YOU should get to know

Jackie: An individual who is kind, handsome, and smart. He loves to have fun, and laugh. He loves to help people, especially when they don't know it's him. He is a unique and special person who is lovable and overexcited!

Virgo: Virgos are well kept and fun people. They can be funny and serious all in one. They want people to like them (except twin), they strive for it. But they will never admit it. They hate bullies and won't take lies, although they lie. Virgos are a very romantic sign and love a god. They are very artistic and push themselves to reach high places. Virgos are commonly seen as cold or suspicious to there family but it is only when there in a bad mood otherwise they're lovable. They are very protective around there friends and love attention with groups of people they know. They will not go up to you to make friends. As an Earth Sign, they like peace but will create drama if they are bored. When Virgos are alone they are a whole different person! Don't underestimate them! They are people who will respect other relationships (again not his twin).

Virgil: Virgil is kind, artistic and sensitive. Often helping out his friends and family in many ways. There aren't a lot of Virgils but they are amazing! often the peacemakers of the friendship group and/or family. 

Gordon: A great friend. Always trying to make you laugh. Makes you sad when he's sad. makes you happy when you're happy. He's like a drug you can't get enough of. you will get rid of him no matter how much you try. You miss him right after you saw him. He makes the girls flirty and is easy to fall in love with. A best friend. Someone you don't want out of your life. Really cute and athletic. smart. funny. and an amazing person.

Georgina: A is a kind helpful and a friendly person. A Georgina is sometimes shy but can make friends really easily. A Georgina is funny and adventures; likes to play with friends adventure games. Georgina is also very beautiful. So, if you ever see a Georgina then you will be very good friends. A Georgina is also a loving person; a Georgina can be your best friend. ALWAYS love a Georgina!

Alan: Small cute and funny, Alan will always be by your side and once you gain the trust of an Alan its not likely that it will disappear! often the one sniggering in the corner with his friends but don't get in the wrong side of this shy boy and you will see a different side to him as he can be a loudmouth sometimes!   

Sophia: Sophia is one of the funniest and weird girls you'll ever meet. Never fails to give you chest pain from laughing so hard. She is always full of energy and is bouncing off the walls! Brown eyes and long brown hair. Definitely an amazing best friend. Randomly climbs, then hangs from the ceiling and makes stupid jokes. But you love her for that. If you have a Sophia in your life, you're one heck of a lucky person.

Adam: Adam, someone who is amazing without knowing it, someone who is easy to love, someone who is caring. Adam is the type of person who is so forgiving and loving...Someone who is so trustworthy and. You would be lucky to have him in your life, and if you ever lost him, it would break your heart. He is the best friend you could ever have and you can't help to be in love with him. He is one of the most handsome guys you will ever see in your life, no matter what he says. He is someone you can make such happy and amazing with, memories you will never forget. He is someone that can leave you with his words. He is someone you know you aren't for, but you can't help but love him with all of your heart anyways. He has such a big heart..and a great soul. He is the kind of person that deserves the best in his life and deserves to be loved and cherished.

Jessica: The most and loving girl that walks this earth. She has beautiful eyes that even at night. Her smile can light up a whole room filled with. And her laugh is contagious and cute. Boys can't help but stare. If she falls in love, she won't stop thinking about you. She is intelligent, athletic, into art, and great at listening. If you ever find yourself a Jessica, don't ever let go.

if you want me to change something about your OC(s) then let me know and I will! if you want the definition of a name then tell me the name and ill message you the answer! ok, now I really need to focus on that assessment it was due at noon! 

GA Madness Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora