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In this chapter, Jeff tells his children about their magic (I know that they don't have magic in the episodes but deal with it) so as it said in the descriptions about their magic they've all got magical powers (not Kayo) but I'm a nice person I'll tell you about their powers (but only who controls what and what jewellery they have to help control it)
Jeff-Mind reading and clean up-a gold watch, Scott-enhanced speed-a silver watch identical to his father's, Kiara-flight-a silver watch identical to Scott's, John-anti-gravity-a silver ring, Alison-gravity-a silver ring, Jackie-teleportation-a silver ring,  Virgo-nature-a silver nose ring,
Virgil-earth- a silver nose ring,
Gordon-water-a pierced ear, Georgie-water-earrings, Alan-fire-a silver chain, Sophia-ice-her mother's necklace, Adam-healing-a silver chain identical to Alan's and Little Jess-animals-a silver bracelet
if you want any more info on their powers then look at the descriptions in the character descriptions book.
Also big thanks to Nootmas4life for the help with this.
*normal pov*
Grandma Tracy walks into the room, only to see her son asleep at his desk with papers all over the table (surprised as everything was digital in 2070) she looked at the clock 11:55 she'd been cleaning for that long! but more to the point why was Jeff asleep at his desk she walked over to him and had a quick read at some of the stuff on his desk letters from the GDF, messily written or more accurately, scribbled mission reports, but the thing that got her attention was something with Lucile's name on it, she had died nearly 25 years ago now in an avalanche, that gave Jeff the motivation to give his childhood dream a chance it was five years in the making but was now the world's most elite rescue team with seven ships (not including the pods) (if you geniuses didn't guess again then his childhood dream to help people-International rescue). It said: To Jeff, the love of my life, I wrote this in the hope that I'd never had to give it to you and that we could teach the kids about their abilities to together but no, so you have this letter from me explaining everything about their powers ways you might find out about their powers; their eyes will glow unnatural colours, they might have strong interests with what they can control. In our room on the island, there is a box and it will need a key. The way you get that key is by teaching the kids how to use their powers but you will need to master your own first! WARNING: if you give the wrong piece of jewellery to the wrong child it could kill them so look at the names engraved in the inside/ chain of them. The list of powers and jewellery for each child is as follows: you -Mind reading and clean up-a gold watch, Scott-enhanced speed-a silver watch identical to his father's, Kiara-flight a silver watch identical to Scott's, John- anti-gravity- a silver ring, Alison-gravity-a silver ring, Jackie-telapotation-a silver ring, Virgo-nature-a silver nose ring, Virgil-earth- a silver nose ring, Gordon-water-a pierced ear, Georgie-water-earrings, Alan- fire-a silver chain, Sophia-ice-my old necklace, Adam-healin-a silver chain identical to Alan's and little Jess-animals-a silver bracelet lots of hugs, kisses and love Lucy :). She didn't quite know what to think of this, surely if Jeff had some kind of magic she would have found out by now. Right? Then he started to stir "Jeff, Jeff come on its midnight I won't let you stay up any longer." she told him "Sure I'll be straight up last little thing." he said picking up the letter from his wife "Not now it can wait 'till the morning I'm sure." she told him taking out of his hand and putting it on the desk "Fine but this is going back where I found it with the box it came in underneath my bed." he told her "I read it Jeff." she told him looking him dead in the eye "How do I tell them?" he asked now he was worried, "The Youngest Triplets are 25 if they had magical abilities wouldn't they have shown themselves by now?" now he sounded even more worried "Well I'm no magician or a witch but I do know that you need some sleep!" she said pushing him towards the stairs in a playful manner "OK, OK I can't argue with common-sense." he said while walking up the stairs with the letter still in his hand. How was he going to tell them? How were they going to react? and what did Lucy mean by 'strong interests in what they can control'. he wondered as he closed his door. and went to bed.
*time skip the next day*
*Jeff's pov*
"I'll go get him" I heard a shout from downstairs I couldn't tell who it was probably Sophie only about a minute later there were footsteps outside my door "Come on dad get up" she joked with me as I was usually the one dragging her and her boyfriend (when he came over not often) out of bed at 8:00 am. she used my trick of open the curtains and take the pillows so they can't put them over their head and fall asleep that way! and that's exactly what she did with a twist she started hitting me with the pillows so just to make it fair I tried to take one from her forgetting how incredible her grip was soon she gave up because I was awake "Come on downstairs now" she demanded it was a bit of a shock at first because Scott and I had always bossed her about and I just had to make a joke out of it "Look at you little missy bossing me about!" I laughed even though she was 25 I could still get away with calling her that! well sort of she caught on that I was messing with her "Meany" she joked in that childish she still used usually only to aggravate her siblings when they teased her about her Hight or the slight hint of England in her accent, not so obvious any more but still there. "I am your father" joked in my best Defrayer voice (don't kill me if the quote isn't that accurate I've only hard it once as I'm not a Star Wars fan sorry:() "How dare you!" I added trying to catch her out but it just made her laugh more and more. "The others will wonder where I am" she giggled then I realised that I was sitting up in bed teasing my 2nd youngest daughter just like her older siblings did regularly. "I'll be down in a min," I told her but this was Sophie she could tell I was going to go back to sleep "OK then," she said as she walked towards to door and just when I closed my eyes... BAM!!! right on my stomach that wouldn't have just fallen to get that much force built up someone must have forced it down and when I opened my eyes Sophie was in stitches laughing like a hyena!!! and behind her stood Adam with his camera "" Sophie asked between giggles "Duh, of course, I did" Adam told her "Ganging up on you father now are we?" my mom asked "No just taking advantage of what could be one of the funniest moments of Tracy family history" Adam explained, "And Scooter sent me up to wake up dad." Sophie added, "And I'm up." I told them walking to the door "Well then downstairs" she hissed at them playfully "You herd grandma AJ, downstairs" Sophie grabbed Adam by the front of his shirt and dragged him about two feet be for playfully dropping him no further than an inch but enough to give him a bruised ass. and then Adam got playful with Sophie and grabbed her ankle and clung onto it for dear life forgetting that Sophie wore knee-high boots with rockets on the bottom she unzipped her boot to get free but forgot that she had about half on an inch of rocket on her left foot and not her right foot so she fell over pretty quick but Sophie wasn't done with Adam she suddenly grabbed her shoe but Adam and Alan had superhuman (really fast) reflexes and yanked the boot from Sophie but she had ultra-strong grip one she got her hands on something it wasn't going anywhere unless she let it go!!! In the end, Sophie won because she grabbed Adam's camera from his belt and hung it over the stairs threatening to drop it if he didn't give her, her shoe back so the exchanged items and went down to breakfast.
*normal pov*
"Morning, you lot," Jeff said and they all echoed him "Morning dad", "Hi sleepyhead" and "Afternoon" they all sat around the breakfast table laughing and joking with one another. He decided, he couldn't keep secrets from his children forever "kids, once we've finished our breakfast I want you all upstairs in the living room" he demanded and when Jeff Tracy demanded something then no one had the guts to disobey him. "Sure, but what for?" Georgina asked in a rather serious tone Jeff opened his mouth to speak but was cut off when Gordon put his hand on his twin sister's head and asked: "Georgie are you feeling ok? you asked something and it was sensible!" Gordon said looking at Georgina with a worried look on his face "Now that you mention it I did have a bite of Grandma's cremated cookies last night in the dark." well the whole team was in stitches so you can imagine the confused look on the gingerbread triplets (John, Ali and Jackie) faces when they called to check up on the team "Do I even want to know?" Ali asked "Probably not" John replied "Well just to let you know, there's been no calls for help, yet," Jackie told us "Triplets, five minutes family meeting" Jeff suddenly told them turning serious "Sure thing dad" John replied then hung up. "Well I don't know about anyone else but I'm for a swim" Gordon suddenly announced after everyone had stopped dieing of laughter "Can I come?" Georgina quickly asked but before Gordon could even reply Jeff
butted in "Neither of you are going to the pool or the gym until after the family meeting" Jeff told his bolnd twins "Fine" they said in unison and sat back down. They joked and laughed at one another for another few minutes. "Come on then you lot I've got an important announcement to make." Jeff said standing up and walking off "OK bet time, what's the announcement about and how much is on the table?" Alan asked looking at Gordon "Well I think he's got designs for a new thunderbird" Georgina commented Sophie opened her mouth to speak but Georgina cut her off "And I say $15 all-round" she quickly added "OK $15 all round. now anyone else getting involved?" Adam asked "I think he's telling us that the island is haunted and we're all moving next week" Gordon joked. Alan's eyes went wide with fear! He didn't like ghosts (if you haven't seen Ghost ship S2E2 I recommend you watch it!!!) "No, you dip sh*ts it's something to do with magic" Sophie told them in a slightly hushed voice "And just because I'm so f*cking sure that it's magic, I say $20 all round." she added giving the lot of them the death stare that would shut everyone up! (but Grandma Tracy, Jeff and Scott). "Not magic no!! ALIENS!!!" Scott joked "I thought you were sensible!" Kiara moaned sarcastically "Well screw it for my explanation, it's John, Ali and Jackie they're aliens!!" Scott hissed they all burst out laughing "KIDS" Jeff shouted "Yep on our way now" Adam replied still in stitches from the joke. As the eleven adults walked into the room and sat down in their usual spots all around the living room Jeff stood in the middle with a small leather box in his hand. he was shaking slightly he had made plenty of announcements to his family over time like the first one when he had to explain that their mother wouldn't be coming home or the most recent a surprise 21st for their youngest member Jess, Lucile was 8 month pregnant with Jess when she died in an avalanche they were both given 50% chance of survival Lucile gave her 50% to Jess and she pulled through but Lucile wasn't so lucky. Right listen up you lot, before your mother died she left me a note, explaining something I thought only existed in Harry Potter and Disney movies, magic." Jeff started he was shaking now and the nerves were not looking to die down anytime soon but he knew that he had started now and he had to finish his announcement because the blond twins and the youngest Triplets would go through his room looking for any clue to what he had started if he didn't finish. "you've all got different powers and similar jewellery these are the exact words from this letter from your mother The list of powers and jewellery for each child is as follows: you -Mind reading and clean up-a gold watch, Scott-enhanced speed-a silver watch identical to his father's, Kiara-flight-a silver watch, John-anti-gravity-a silver ring, Alison-gravity-a silver ring, Jackie-teleportation-a silver ring, Virgo-nature-a silver nose ring, Virgil-earth-a silver nose ring, Gordon-water-a pierced ear, Georgia water-earrings, Alan-fire-a silver chain, Sophia-ice-my old necklace and Adam-healin-a silver chain identical to Alan's,
And little Jess-animals-a silver bracelet, any questions" he finished still shaking but less so "Told you so" Sophie nearly shouted. Jeff looked at his youngest daughter with a confused look "we had a bet about what the announcement was about and I said magic" she again nearly shouted." Sophie don't shout, and why would you have a bet about that anyway?" Jeff asked "we just did" she replied honestly "well I don't know about you lot but I think that we can give this magic Shit ago" he asked looking at his children "not bad idea dad so like you said dad let's give it a go!!" Scott announced full of optimism (hope) suddenly the alarms sounded and the whole family were on high alert then the alarms stopped and a Familia voice came through the radio "sorry we didn't ean to trip the security line just to come down for the announcement" Ali apologised "it's fine triplets just get hear" Jeff told them "yep on our way now dad" John replied as they began running up the stairs to the family room. when they arrived, they sat down and just told their dad to get on with it "Scott Carpenter Tracy, you will have the power of enhanced speed, you will be able to run almost as fast as a pod in mid-air and to help you control it you have this silver watch. The colour that your eyes will glow when you use your powers will be silver. Do you wish to have this ability yes or no?" Jeff asked his eldest son "just because the others will say yes and I don't want to be the odd one out-yes-" he replied and out of the small box came a smaller box it floated over to Scott whizzing around him before dropping into his hand he opened it and put the watch on his left wrist mediately his eyes started to glow silver and the watch was sparkling then it died down. "Kiara Summer Tracy, you will have the power of flight you will be able to fly as fast as Scott can run but you need to keep this ability secret if you want to keep it!" He explained "yes I would love theses powers and I understand that I need to keep it to my self" Kiara said Jeff gave her a small box she walked over to where Scott was sat and sat next to him. "Johnathan Glen Tracy, you will have the power of anti-gravity you will be able to hover at any hight of the ground and to help control it there is this silver ring Do you want these abilities yes or no? and do you promise to only use them around and on this family?" now he was asking his second eldest son "I can't imagine all the pranks that I will be able to pull especially when the younger triplets come up to 5 for their shifts!-yes-" John said smiling like a child on Christmas day his father handed him a small box smaller than Scott's it hovered towards him he held out his hand and it dropped down onto his hand and he opened it to revile a silver ring he slid it onto his index finger on his right hand and sat down next to his twin sister. "Alison Lucile-April Tracy, you will have the power of gravity if John makes something float that includes himself you will be able to bring him back down. Do you want these abilities yes or no? and do you promise to only use them around and on this family?" he asked his eldest daughter and second in command "like John said we will be able to prank the triplets when they come up for their shifts on 5 or we want them out our room-yes-" Ali said a beaming smile on her face. Jeff handed her a small box the same size as John's she slid the small silver ring onto her finger and sat down.
If you want more on their powers just ask and I'll update this but if you don't ask you don't get!!! Also let me know what you think of it-Mayhem😈

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