12- You have a yeast infection?

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(Song of the chapter: 'I Don't Belong In This Club' - Why Don't We & Macklemore)

Several days had passed since that horrific lunchtime incident. It seemed that the school had come to a general consensus about leaving me alone, especially now that they realized their attacks could put the Horsemen in the line of fire as well, which they certainly didn't want.

Swarms of online fans had created hashtags bashing the school - #JusticeForBrandon had been trending all over social media.

Random people had even shown up holding placards like it was an actual movement. Students themselves kept coming over to try and apologize, but the sheer number of them made Brandon fidgety, which made Rhys even more irritated with the lot of them.

Jasper dealt damage control as usual and got them to back off. Now they just... hovered, but they did leave all of us alone - me included.

It was a nice change, at least.

Onto sadder, more terrible news: Lacrosse guy had been doxed on the internet, and now many angry people knew his phone number and address.

It hadn't been done by any of us, that I knew for sure. Not that that helped poor Dennis Mercer who lived at 3414 Counts Lane in West Hartford and could be reached on his home phone number 860-231-3309.

I hadn't seen a flash of him since that day, but I could tell that he now knew firsthand just how tragic bullying can be. Whenever I found myself thinking of his plight, I had to get out a hanky to stifle my peals of laughter.

I mean, sobs of despair.

Right now it was lunch time. Again.

Trust me guys, all the interesting stuff just keeps happening at lunch. Plus there's food, so what else really is there to talk about?

Today we switched it up by having lunch outside of school. The guys and I were at The Coffeeholics, which certainly brought back memories.

It was mostly unoccupied, certainly no students from school in sight, which I guess was the goal.

Our waitress was different this time, some girl I didn't know, who seemed shy about meeting the Horsemen but remained respectful and didn't glare daggers at me for no reason.

"The owner just wanted to tell you that your lunch would be on the house today! Since you guys gave such good service last time," She told us.

After she handed us our the menus and vanished, I smugly smirked at the Horsemen.

"I did that. That was me who just got us all free lunch, so don't say I've never done anything for you."

Brandon peered at my shoulder from over the top of his menu. "You mean because you ate all those pancakes?"

"Lilith would have killed to have caught that on video. She might've even made merch," Jasper mused.

"Good thing she wasn't there then. I can't even look at a pancake anymore without feeling sick." Rhys propped his chin on his fist, flipping his menu page.

"You've ruined pancakes for me, so I still have that to hold over you."

I stuck my tongue out at him, then poked my head into my own menu.

"I think I'm kinda in the mood for some pancakes right now."

Rhys shot a baleful glare at Jasper.

"Don't you dare."

"You know, you don't have to wake up everyday and choose violence Rhys. Its not healthy. Choose lilies every once in a while."

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