5- D-A-D-D-Y

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(Song of the chapter: 'Stand By Me' - Ben. E. King)


We were back at headquarters after school. I'd just finished recounting the tale of what happened in my last period, and watched as my three best friends in the entire world laughed their bloody heads off.

I smirked, realizing I'd unconsciously incorporated more British slang into my vocabulary since meeting Lilith. But the word perfectly fit in this case. It had definitely been funny.

"So after –" Lilith struggled to speak through wheezes. "After the teacher called on her and everything, what did she do?"

I chuckled, remembering her blistering glare. "She looked at me like she wanted to kill me, then didn't look my way for the rest of the period. I felt so chastened."

Jasper chuckled. "Of course you'd go make an enemy of someone on your first day of school, Rhys."

"I honestly didn't mean to," I said, hoping I actually hadn't made an enemy of her. She intrigued me, and for some reason I wanted to get to know her – though I didn't think anyone but the three people currently by my side could really connect with me.

Also, my – our – reputation would make it a bit hard to meet real people that might become friends, that's if I even wanted to. The girl hadn't seemed awed or starstruck though when I'd caught her sneaking looks at me. Just curious... and somewhat wary.

I sat up, suddenly remembering our first encounter. "She was the same one I spoke to this morning," I told them. My humor suddenly vanished as I remembered the bruises on her arm.

My friends noticed the shift in my mood.

"The one who you said was being harassed by some ridiculous-looking bellend?" Lilith asked, tilting her head to the side.

I nodded, getting furious again. I hated bullies. They were all fucking cowards.

"Funny how we were all involved in conversation at that time and none of us even saw anyone else in the parking lot. Then you just walked over to her," Brandon mused, thinking aloud.

Jasper raised an eyebrow at me. "So she crumpled and chewed up some note some dude passed her?" At my nod, he shook his head darkly.

"She's probably gets tormented by people at school. How terrible," he said, twisting his lips to the side. He genuinely looked glum. Sometimes I thought the size of my best friend's heart was too large for his body.

Lilith chose to scoff. "By some bloke who bleaches his hair of all things," she said, rolling her eyes. "He probably irons his boxers too."

With that, she looked at Brandon. Jasper's lip quirked up and also I watched in amusement, knowing what was coming.

Brandon looked at her defensively. "Lilith, let it go, okay? Seriously, when are you going to stop teasing me about dyeing my hair?"

Lilith playfully ruffled his hair. "Never," she answered honestly, making us all laugh. She grinned at him wickedly.

"You said nothing about not ironing your boxers."

Brandon looked at her stoically. "I don't iron my boxers."

Lilith looked at Jasper for confirmation. "Well," my best friend began, sitting up and clearing his throat importantly.

"There was this one time..."

Brandon glared daggers at him. "Shut up," he snapped, pointing a finger at Jasper. We all laughed then.

"Aww, its okay Brandon," Lilith said, hugging him from behind and ruffling his hair affectionately. She rested her cheek on his head. "We love you exactly as you are."

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