20- A good Yaoi romance twist

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(Song of the chapter: Story of My Life - One DirectionEye candy up there 👆🏾😛


"And then Amanda reached over and accidentally knocked her plate of hot nachos right into Dave's lap," Riley was saying. She paused to eat some spaghetti off her fork before continuing.

"He squealed like a little girl."

I chuckled, raising my glass of water to my lips. My plate of tortellini was empty since we'd been here for two hours already, but Riley had been slower since she did most of the talking.

I concentrated on listening to my sister's story... so my eyes wouldn't wander in her direction.

I noticed when she'd walked into the restaurant. Of course I did. A little ping went off in my brain, and when I looked up there she was...

In a tight dress that showed off her legs.

For several moments I could only stare. I'd even forgotten about Riley.

Noticing my distraction, Riley turned to see what I was looking at. Her lips had turned up mischievously once she spotted Avalon.

"She is quite beautiful, isn't she?" She'd asked, smirking at me.

I'd immediately ripped my eyes away, afraid if I stared too long they would somehow turn heart-shaped. With how weird my mind was acting these days, I wouldn't have been surprised.

Thoughts of Avalon had been intruding my mind all day. I'd resisted them at first, then, frustrated, I'd finally let them come.

There was Avalon, gaping at Brandon in surprised Pikachu when he looked at her. Avalon, her brows raised in surprised delight at eating Lilith's biscuits. Avalon, leaning against Jasper as he carried her on his back...

Avalon, looking at me, all the colors in her eyes magnified and twinkling like stars...

I was whipped, I'd realized, right there in Economics class. I'd slowly turned and just stared at her for several moments.

Noticing my gaze, my newfound subject of affections had given me a 'what are you looking at, you weirdo?' expression, then lovingly flipped me the bird.

Naturally, I'd decided to double-check my feelings to make sure I wasn't mistaken.

I wasn't. I... liked her.

I was deeply unnerved.

"Such a lovely family," Riley had continued, staring at the adults that walked in with her. I'd recognized her mom, so the man must've been her dad.

I studied him, noticing she didn't really look like him. They obviously looked related, but the shape of her jaw, brows and nose weren't his. And her full lips didn't resemble either of her parents'.

Genes could be such a funny thing.

"Maybe we'll go say 'hi' later," Riley had chirped.

"Maybe." I tried to sound nonchalant, but probably didn't succeed. For some reason, I'd felt a small tug in my chest at the thought of going up to her so outside of the school realm – and with her parents nearby no less.

"And then he insinuated that she should clean it up by, you know, going down on him," Riley was saying once I tuned back in.

"The guy's like, Jewish, but he literally pants after anything with legs."

Riley ate more spaghetti. I forced myself not to think about Avalon's legs and said, "And then what happened?"

"And then," Riley dropped her fork, which clattered on her now-empty plate, "she called him a dog, then whistled for her dog to clean it up. Her dog's this huge Doberman with teeth that look like she files them everyday. His future children's lives literally flashed before his eyes as the dog advanced."

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