33- I'm bleaching your eyebrows, beyotch

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(Song of the chapter: 'Rewrite the Stars' - The Greatest Showman Cast)

I stared blearily at the field, scowling at the brilliant evergreen grass. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, dew was absolutely thriving on leaves and flowers everywhere, and even the morning breeze seemed chirpy.

If I was a witch, I woulda cursed everything in sight to a painful and slow death.

That's right, it was the asscrack of dawn on a Saturday, and I was awake.

Not by choice, however. But at the same time, the only explanation for the fact that I was currently sitting on the bleachers of the school field instead of in my warm comfy bed was that I'd brought myself here.

Lemme explain.

About half-an-hour ago, my good-for-nothing cousin broke into my house (the fact that I'd previously disclosed the location of my house keys to her is irrelevant). She made her way upstairs and quickly found my room, which she took the liberty of entering (it was unlocked, but that is also irrelevant). Then, she shook me awake and politely asked my semi-conscious self to accompany her to the school so we could watch Brandon's soccer practice.

According to her, I nearly brained her with my pillow. I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but it seems legit. I expect I'd do the same to anyone who interrupted my precious sleep. She's just lucky I didn't grab the knife under my pillow and have a serious go at her. Perhaps I care more about her than I thought.

Instead of running for the hills like a sensible person and letting me go back to sleep, Sophie made her way downstairs and made cookies (Who the hell makes cookies at 6am? What a freak), came back to my room and held them above my nose. Again, according to her, I rose from my bed "like one of those charmed snakes in straw baskets that you see in cartoons" though I was still asleep.

The foodie in me apparently possessed my body. I got dressed with Sophie expertly guiding me by nose, then sleepwalked out of my house all the way to school where she finally handed me the cookie.

So yes, I was mad at the world. She basically kidnapped me, and the only explanation she gave for her hoodlum actions was that Lilith gave her advice on how best to "deal with me".

I'm embarrassed to call myself an assassin.

My scowl was nearly frozen in place when I felt a hand descend on my shoulder.

The devil in disguise herself grinned fearlessly in the face of certain death.

"Did you like the cookies?"

I chewed as murderously as I could, looking her dead in the eye. "They're delicious," I growled angrily around my mouthful.

"Thank you," she beamed. "Means you can't be too pissed at me, aye?"

"Would you like to bet on that?"

She chuckled nervously, but didn't scoot away or remove her hand. I turned away from her and towards the field, watching the football team's practice drills. They only wore t-shirts and shorts though it was already quite chilly outside. I hugged my sweater closer to myself in silent sympathy.

"Avalon, can I ask you something?"

I looked up at her. The way she said my name made it sound like a merry jingle, one I hated to admit I'd like to hear again.

I lifted my brows, silently prompting her to go on.

Sophie tore her eyes away from a certain blond player to return my gaze. Her Nutella-colored eyes held curiosity and some confusion.

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